What is your name?  “A good name is to be chosen rather...” – Proverbs 22:1 Names trigger emotions, they evoke memories and they inspire actions. Out of the billions of people on earth, everyone has a name. In West Africa, names are so important to the extent that names they give to...
The online shopping basket has increased tremendously since the break out of COVID -19 and its restrictive protocols. Many people now seeing the constraints on time and movement especially have resulted in online channels to get whatever they need. In doing so, demands online for new categories of products...
COVID-19 hit the Chinese economy hard in the first quarter of 2020, causing real GDP to contract by 6.8% year on year. But since the city of Wuhan emerged from lockdown in early April, the economy has gradually returned to normal and grew by 3.2% in the second quarter....
Queuing by Proxy As at the time of penning this piece, I have still not gotten my new Voter ID sorted out. I know it is my civic duty to get it. I know I have to make the time to go get it done. However, the truth is that...
With five months to the December 2020 general elections, the two contending parties, the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) and opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) are yet to unveil their manifesto; for the electorate to decide which of the two parties has better policies and programmes. An election manifesto is...
The protracted discussions on how best to motivate farmers to nurture and not destroy trees on their farms has gained fresh momentum. This follows a strategic meeting on Thursday, July 2nd, 2020 at Aburi in the Eastern Region, of representatives of key stakeholder groups namely – government, industry/private sector...
Communication remains one of the most vital components of long-lasting relationships. In various ways, the essence of it has been undermined because people do not give the time and day to integrate strong communication skills into their DNA. Right from when we meet a person, engage them, make a...
“If you make customers unhappy in the physical world, they might each tell SIX friends. If you make customers unhappy on the Internet, they can each tell six thousand friends.”  Jeff Bezos    Customer Exits and Risk Dear bankers, I am sure you have all gone through a painful customer exit before. Someone...
The coronavirus pandemic has exposed the potential vulnerability of the world’s food supply chains. This is galvanising governments in emerging economies to boost domestic production through new agricultural inputs and investment in agri-tech and logistics networks. The UN’s World Food Programme (WFP) has warned that 265m people globally could face acute food insecurity by...
Preparing for a comfortable life after retirement is a deliberate action. It doesn’t just happen. It requires making immediate sacrifices for future benefit; which benefit will extend beyond the individual. We often express one’s wealth by the things he possesses. Hear what the Bible as well as Dave Ramsey have...