As the coronavirus pandemic continues to pose multiple challenges for governments, development banks are playing an important role in aiding the recovery in emerging markets. The virus has caused extensive damage to the global economy and trade. To offset some of the negative effects of the forced closure of entire industries and the collapse...
A good person leaves an inheritance for their children's children, but a sinner's wealth is stored up for the righteous - Proverbs 13:22 Certainly, as parents the wrong attitude would be to spend all we have in order to enjoy it before we die.  A component of stewardship, and getting...
A bond is typical fixed-income security that offers a fixed or guaranteed rate of return to the investor over a specified period of time. Nevertheless, the risk and return characteristics of individual bond investments vis-a-vis bond mutual funds are not the same. Depending on the peculiar investment objectives, some...
“By the time the fool learns the game, the players have dispersed.” – Akan proverb If the history of human relationships teaches us anything at all, it is that the way we project ourselves to the world determines how the world treats us. It is this insight that propelled Anthony...
Universities in emerging economies are playing a key role in the response to the coronavirus crisis through cutting-edge research and development (R&D) and pioneering approaches to learning. Higher education institutions around the emerging world have adopted a range of different models in reaction to the pandemic. Some are working more closely with governmental bodies, while...
In immeasurable terms, governments, businesses, families and individuals are coming under immense economic pressure following the global pandemic – COVID-19.  In response, governments are leading the charge and implementing bold COVID-19 economic stimulus plans targeted at businesses and families especially the vulnerable. Businesses have also been very swift, changing business...
For the last month, the United States has been regularly breaking its daily record for newly confirmed COVID-19 cases, registering more than four million cases overall and closing in on 150,000 deaths. Although other developed countries in Europe and Asia seem to be containing the spread, the US has...
This is a sequel to the above subject and is designed to explain how and why financial institutions comply with the dictates of environmental and social concerns in project appraisals. The piece also highlights the roles of   other stakeholders in the environmental and social risk management space. Their collective objective...
Unconfirmed reports, I have received from unconfirmed sources, confirm the increasingly higher sales of ‘peptic ulcer’ medication to Ghanaian workers each time their rent expires. (Forget the unemployed.  They have no business talking about rent!!!). As usual my penchant for exaggeration and jokes got the better of me. My sincere apologies!...
What is your name?  “A good name is to be chosen rather...” – Proverbs 22:1 Names trigger emotions, they evoke memories and they inspire actions. Out of the billions of people on earth, everyone has a name. In West Africa, names are so important to the extent that names they give to...