the strategic imperative for economic development and sustainability  There are two divergent opinions suggesting ESG performance is the necessary impetus for economic growth and transformation on one hand, and economic growth being responsible for ESG performance on the other hand. I speak for ESG performance being responsible for economic...
The fast-paced progress of technology in our modern era brings up crucial concerns in intellectual property law that need urgent consideration. With the advent of the Metaverse, businesses are now exploring business opportunities in a virtual space that mimics our physical world. In the Metaverse, the options are boundless –...
…strive from within to bring the customer to the centre of every conversation Aspiring to become Customer-Centric is a noble undertaking, organizations with this aim attest to the great rewards from delivering enhanced experiences to their cherished loyal customers. Marleen van Wijk, customer experience consultant sums this up aptly...
To earn a passage to a greener wonderland He was required to present a cleaner healthier hand A cleaner bill of health To pass from step one to step two He was to meet requirements outlined in a document or two Subsequently he subjected himself to a bouquet of medical inquiries   All results returned negative...
- an effective leader delegates effectively (1) Even "Super You" needs help and support. There is no shame in asking for assistance. Push aside the pride and show respect for the talent others can bring to the table. And, remember that there is no such thing as a single-handed success: when...
…Unveilling the Junior Consultants Initiative Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Ghana constitute an essential part of the economy. Quite significantly, about 92% of businesses in the country operate within the SME sector. Put together, the sector employs more than 80% of the workforce and contributes about 70% of Gross...
When it comes to growing your business, social media can be a great ally. It’s a fast and affordable way to expand your network of customers and build recognition for your brand. However, not every business is going to be able to take advantage of this; for example, if...
When I chaired the UK’s Financial Services Authority (FSA), in those prelapsarian days before the 2008 global financial crisis, I was regularly asked by financiers who resented our intrusions into their profitable lives: “Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?” - Who guards the guards? In the original Latin source, Juvenal was referring...
By Kestér Kenn KLOMEGÂH "Russia closes presidential race," noted most of the news agencies across the Russian Federation. According to the Central Election Commission (CEC), three qualified candidates are running against incumbent President Vladimir Putin. Russia closes presidential race candidate registration with Putin and three (3) others. The list did not...
…understanding, confronting, overcoming the trend for personal and organisational growth In contemporary society, the prevalent trend of individuals failing to fulfil promises or execute their responsibilities and subsequently resorting to providing excuses is increasingly alarming. This pattern is observable across various spheres, including politics, management, subordinate roles, and even within...