Speaking of millions of millionaires, I am not blind to the billions of people currently suffering from the harsh economic effects of this pandemic. I am merely recognising the fact that I can confidently say that you reading this article right now are into some form of ‘business’, or...
By Kizito CUDJOE, Sefwi Chirano The chiefs and people of Sefwiman Traditional Area have rousingly welcomed the establishment of the Chirano Sefwiman Foundation by the Chirano Gold Mine Limited (CGML), to further boost local development and the livelihoods of the people, in the host communities of the Mine. The foundation is...
By Barry EICHENGREEN COVID-19 is not going away, and other dangerous viruses may be coming. This means it’s time to face the grim truth: many of the pandemic’s effects on our economies and societies will be persistent, even permanent. Some of these changes are already evident. There is less demand for...
… Providing vital power infrastructure to meet dev.’s needs Very few people across the world expected to begin the year 2020 locked up in their homes, and faced with restrictions on some of their social freedoms. While many heard the news about the soaring coronavirus infections in China in December...
We should pay closer attention to the interactions between politics, economics, and other realms By Jeffry FRIEDEN The COVID-19 pandemic strikingly illustrates the intersection of politics, economics, and other considerations. Public health experts have long warned that the world was likely to face a major pandemic and called for greater preparedness....
Even though countries in Africa are endowed with many natural resources, most of them are poor and are beset by numerous problems. They have not been able to find ways to transform their huge potentials into reality. Since the attainment of independence from the late 1950s to the present...
…skills and training the fourth component lagging in women and youth empowerment in Africa By Scofray Nana Yaw YEBOAH Africa’s population is increasing and as it stands from UN population data, Africa’s population is around 1.3 billion with the median age of 19.7. Out of this figure, the World Bank estimate...
By Francis OWUSU-ACHAMPONG The Akans in Ghana have a proverb that goes like this, “se wo twa wo ketrema toto we a, na wo nwee nam biara”. This loosely translates as “if you cut, roast and chew your tongue, you cannot boast of having enjoyed any worthy or delicious meal”....
BY KOFI BOATENG Getting the right information to a reader or consumer of books is of much essence. In view of this, books are supposed to disseminate the right information, and should be devoid of ambiguity so as not to create confusion in the minds of readers. Often, some books...
I am really surprised at some people o; when everybody is thinking about how to get a cure or vaccine for this deadly COVID 19, some people are seriously still having s*x. How? Heartless people! Shame on to us! It’s a pity some people are still taking this VID for...