I remember it like yesterday when 2020 came to an end. It had been one of the most unprecedented years in history, especially due to the raging COVID-19 pandemic. 2021 was predicted to be a better year – a year in which the world will gradually glide towards the...
I wrote this piece nearly a year ago, when the COVID-19 crises had literally brought the world to its knees. The looming threat of a resurgence requires that we draw lessons from the earlier threat and effects of the pandemic to help us maintain focus.  The crisis drove many...
When government-issued Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) licences to Ghanaian companies in 2012, they were directed to use existing co-location towers rather than mounting their own. But now some of them are regretting following that directive, because the cost of towers under the co-location arrangement is practically suffocating them. Meanwhile, the...
You see the long article you and I wrote last week…shame on you. Today too I suspect we will be doing same. But in all fairness to us, there was really no way around it. Or was there? Because we could have chosen to keep it very trim, but...
The nature of crime witnessed in society varies considerably. As a result, police operations are expected to be diverse and flexible. Police operations are tailored to react effectively to situations ranging from fleeing suspects to threats of explosives. Officers need the requisite training and tools to assure effectiveness, safety...
The man Nana Akufo-Addo faces what may be the biggest test of his legacy as a leader of his party, the NPP and president in the journey over who succeeds him in his own party. On the balance of probabilities, there appears to be quite a few political strategic...
A recent directive to financial institutions in Ghana the Bank of Ghana underscored the importance of risk management to the health of banks including Rural Banks and other deposit taking institutions in Ghana. Banks are enjoined to set up a risk management department to identify, isolate and mitigate risks inherent...
I do not intend to delve into the merits and demerits of the E-levy in widening the tax net - which is debatable - or a source of revenue generation; because, of course, it will generate a revenue and figures show. Taxation is not only a tool for revenue generation...
“Every industry and every organization will have to transform itself in the next few years. What is coming at us is bigger than the original internet and you need to understand it, get on board with it and figure out how to transform your business.” --------Tim O`Reilly, founder of...
In 2019, the Bank of Ghana announced its plans to launch a central bank digital currency (CBDC), the e-cedi, as the pinnacle of government’s 'Digital Ghana Agenda' which focuses on promoting digitisation in the financial sector. In September 2021, Ghana became the first country on the continent to pilot a...