A year ago, we welcomed 2021 with a sense of cautious optimism when the newly developed vaccines promised a shift in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. The focus turned towards building back better and doing things differently as many countries started to rethink and rebuild their shattered economies. For...
“It is our collective and individual responsibility, to preserve and tend to the world in which we all live” - Dalai Lama Introduction It may be tough to fathom, but we humans are directly and indirectly responsible for the devastating COVID-19 pandemic. Yes, we’re at fault for this chaos....
As the year 2022 begins, I share some basic accounting and tax issues as a reminder to management of companies, Finance Managers, business owners etc. in order to avoid tax penalties, interests, loses and ensure the smooth running of businesses devoid of statutory burdens. This is necessitated by the...
Happy New Year dear readers, I wish you all the best of the year. May our aspirations materialise as we apply our best efforts to noble causes with God’s help. The beginning of a new year always brings in its wake apprehensions about what the future holds, and...
As you may know, the crypto-ecosystem is steadily evolving - and unlike traditional investment options, the use forms of cryptocurrencies go beyond buying, holding and selling. With crypto, the possibilities are nearly endless - with users being able to facilitate payments like never before, use as a form of...
What comes to your mind when you think about the financial performance of a business? Is it the profit/loss given at the last line of an income statement? Although that's one of the strong measures to analyze the financial performance of the business, it does not offer a comprehensive...
The global pandemic has had the unintended consequence of speeding up Africa’s digital economy. The transition to digital services and the adoption of transformative mobile technologies have been rapid in the last two years with e-commerce being the biggest beneficiary. This digital transformation has been driven by home grown solutions...
I have a great obsession for quality leadership and shaping leaders’ perception about the right way of leading their subordinates or followers to a decisive end. Having studied people’s core values, belief systems, lifestyles, opinions, attitudes, strengths and weaknesses of organizations and nations for over two decades, I have...
At the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) last November, world leaders pledged billions of dollars to sustainable farming and agricultural research. This commitment comes at a critical time. Already, climate change is wrecking harvests around the world and global hunger is on the rise. The stakes are especially high...
More than 20,000 Africans were killed in violent conflicts in 2020, an almost tenfold increase from a decade ago. Concurrently, and perhaps not coincidentally, Sino-American rivalry has escalated sharply. A new cold war, this time between the United States and China, along with other regional security threats, could be...