The reason why it is so difficult for existing firms to capitalize on disruptive innovations is that their processes and their business models that make them good at the existing business actually make them bad at competing for disruption. Clayton M. Christensen Disruption Innovation is the introduction of a new product...
Once upon a time, there was a pandemic outbreak; a deadly virus that threatened to kill many humans and had no cure was ravaging the world. You wonder why this article starts this way- well it is a story that is real but is being recounted as a folktale....
Anyone who has spent a few years on this planet knows that there are certain undesirable but necessary things one has to do once in a while. Some have defined these things as necessary evils. I personally think evil is too strong a word. But the truth is that...
There are many skills we can learn to improve our lives and productivity in the workplace. One of them is getting through and overcoming fear - the skill anyone who is willing can learn. No one was born with fear. It is something we pick up as we grow...
“...I say, that Power must never be trusted without a check.” ― John Adams, Adams-Jefferson Letters This article is an extract from one of the chapters in my book- “The Modern Branch Manager’s Companion” published in March, 2021. Segregation of duties is an ever-ready principle in banking that sometimes get under-rated. Please...
The 2022 Budget focused on the continuation and consolidation of economic plans the government of Ghana had put into place in 2021 to consolidate the economic, social, infrastructural and financial gains made over the years in the economy. The Budget also focused on ensuring sustained recovery of the Ghanaian...
Happy new year to you all. We are back and I wish all readers a very prosperous new year. Tourism is at the cross road and we shall overcome hopefully this year. The rebound need to happen quickly and we need it really fast. International tourism is the driving...
Learn about customer needs and insights from all parts of your organisation The quest to become Customer-centric is commonplace in most businesses where customer-facing is a core activity. Many of such businesses are quick to tag themselves as customer-focused and invest great effort and resources to make this known...
Occupational fraud is still a problem in the workplace. It encompasses a wide range of undercover crimes committed by employees at all levels of a company's hierarchy. Corporate scandals fuelled by a dysfunctional board of directors and/or management team result in external and widespread harm. Even if it entails misleading...
“I contend that a country that tries to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket trying to lift himself up by the handle.” – Sir Winston Churchill, 1904 In line with Articles 108 and 174 of the 1992 Constitution, the Finance Minister has brought...