The human was born free and has been free to do business to make a living. However, during this process, society expects compliance with certain standards and regulations to ensure the smooth flow of usual activities and socio-economic norms. The society also expects a certain kickback from the people...
"Alone is Hard. Together is Better."  — Simon SINEK, author, and public speaker How do we reset? In these uncertain and turbulent times, it’s one of the pressing questions on everyone’s lips. Arriving at a single, particular answer is, of course, impossible. So instead, extrapolating from a range of...
Do you remember high school, when given feeding money, parents will always say spend wisely and save? Do you remember? That’s finance. Do you remember that chop money: The various food/ food ingredients you could buy from that money? That’s finance glaring hard at you. All around us, we have all...
…..leveraging the impacts of collaborative partnership for value creation and sustainable development The systemic “silo” of leadership action and its fragmented organizational landscape has been steadily giving way to working partnerships and collaborations. Leaders have no choice if they are to succeed in addressing the mounting challenges and expectations...
Life is in stages and phases. At some point in a person’s lives there arises the need to move from one point or thing to the other. This move could be intentional or by virtue of other external factors. It is the same with owning properties too. Property here...
Funding has become a major problem for most firms in terms of funding their day-to-day activities and operation. Various costs need to be covered, such as equipment, stock and paying bills. In view of this, corporations often need to raise funds, or capital, to expand their businesses; however, companies...
Ghana is no exception from the devasting impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on businesses, jobs, and livelihoods. According to an IMF blog post, governments are in “The Policymaker’s Trilemma,” pulled in three divergent ways of increasing public expenditures, increasing debt, and resistances to tax increases. Ghana finds itself right amid this...
be customer savvy by observing the data to inform your engagement strategy When we observe the pace at which change is happening around us and how slow we are at matching that pace in our learning the prospect of a future where this phenomenon is more intense is very...
The Bank of Ghana (BoG) has issued a directive that from July, 01, 2022 the only card that will be used to undertake transactions at all Bank of Ghana-licenced and regulated financial institutions is the Ghana card. The objective as stated in the directive is to ensure safety of...
“Killing a rat that is holed up inside an earthen pot requires wisdom.” – Nigerian proverb A darkened moon hung over the horizon as the evening gave way to night. The glare of headlamps reflecting off roads leading out of the city centre increased with excitement. Hawkers and beggars, sliding...