If there is a sport that unites and sparks much passion in our country it is football. None can rival this sport when it comes to how it captures the hearts of so many Ghanaians. When it comes to our national teams, we hate to lose - never mind...
Following the reading of Ghana’s 2022 budget statement, there have been numerous debates about the proposed E-levy - and a large section of the populace has since registered its displeasure at it. Government has however assumed a seemingly uncompromising posture toward implementation of the proposed E-levy. Many have argued...
“…..when kids are online, they’re reading, thinking, analysing, criticizing and authenticating - composing their thoughts…………………” We are called to greater responsibility in today’s digital age as parents and guardians. Our children are certainly online and exploring various websites and platforms. In so doing, they are being exposed to all...
Congratulations! After many days and nights of putting your thoughts into words, you are finally done. The product of your imagination, creativity and experience is finally tangible in your hands. There’s excitement and relief that you are finally done. But are you really done? How do you get everyone...
“Explanation is not half as strong as experience, but experience is not half as strong as experience and understanding.”… Mark  Z  Danielewsky Welcome to Part 3 of this series. Segregation of duties is a key principle in financial control, aiming to reduce the risk of fraud and error. It...
On 12th January 2022, Warner Music Group (WMG) announced their majority acquisition of Africori – the first major acquisition of the year in the entertainment industry. Momentum has been building toward this as WMG first invested in Africori in April 2020 at the height of the pandemic, followed in...
In April last year, I shared in an article my thoughts on the significance of integrating the GRA Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and Ghana Card Personal Identification Number (PIN). In there, I observed that by using the bio-data provided on the National Identification System, data analytics can be employed...
Obtaining a second source of income all starts with an idea, one of the most potent forms of power that exists. I learnt from a TED-Ed that “power is the ability to have others do what you would have them do”. Is that not what all businesspeople want: the ability...
Alternative Dispute Resolution As long as human interactions exist, disputes will remain inevitable. Long before Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanisms were formally recognised as a means of settling differences, parties to disputes resolved matters by some form of ‘back and forth discourse’. This discourse, which was largely informal, were saddled...
“Learn everyday, especially from the experiences of others. It is cheaper’… Jim Bogle Dear Reader, I hope my last article refreshed your memory of some basic banking concepts which can never be replaced or done away with. The fraud case involving the American banking officer happened in a traditional...