… using small data effectively can be the key to improving your experience The need to build bridges between the world of data and the real world of customer experience is critical to any customer-focused agenda. There is a delicate balance between what needs to be done behind the...
Segregation of duties in the traditional lending process Despite the innovation and technological advancements in Banking, the SoD policy still runs supreme in all its operations. Banking depends on trust, but it is not absolute. It is better to say “Trust, but verify.” Many friendships have been broken because...
“A people will grow when their elders start planting trees whose shade they will never enjoy”, some old saying goes something like that. The word “Sustainability” could refer to the ability of an organization, a business, a person, a people, to continue over a longer period. It's highly relevant in...
African economies are beginning to recover from the impact of COVID-19. Despite making some gains in 2021, it could be difficult for nations to grow their economies in 2022, it seems. African economies were badly hit by the emergence of COVID-19 in 2020 and the subsequent slowing of the global...
…strive from within to bring the customer to the centre of every conversation Aspiring to become Customer-Centric is a noble undertaking, organizations with this aim attest to the great rewards from delivering enhanced experiences to their cherished loyal customers. Marleen van Wijk, customer experience consultant sums this up aptly...
Once upon a brand, a story is told of a family of Mice who had been living in fear because of a Cat. They come together to discuss how to defeat the Cat. A young Mouse suggested putting a bell around the Cat’s neck so they could hear when...
A few years ago, I was in Lagos to see Alphabet’s digital skills programmes at work. There was excitement for the future of technology in Africa and all the jobs and opportunities it could bring. From jobseekers learning new skills to entrepreneurs building promising new apps and businesses, the...
Marine Insurance is the progenitor of other Insurance branches such as Fire, Motor and Aviation etc. Its origin is said to be "veiled in antiquity and lost in obscurity" because no one is certain about its exact origin. It has however been observed that it originated with the Lombard merchants...
Every company, including statutory corporations, must have a board of directors, which is the directors acting together. Directors are supposed to be the brain and mind of the company. The directors are to direct the affairs or business of the company. Performing the function of directing the business of the...
As I travel across most of the countries in Africa for example, I see a continent with a bright future but bogged down by uncountable glitches, hiccups or problems stemming from the office of most of the leaders of organizations that see leadership as only a political position instead...