Taniel was invited to the HR manager’s office, and the manager at her department was also in attendance. The HR manager had received a report from her boss about her physically attacking him. She was asked for her side of the story. “Today’s incident was the latest of many...
Price is what you pay and value is what you get.” -Warren Buffet Are you willing to pay the price? I was already exhausted after a 6-hour training program, but I knew that it was my job to help this person. I started by asking them if they were feeling...
“If you want to know the end, look at the beginning.” – African proverb To wake up in the morning is a greater miracle for all of us. Not many of us appreciate this, but that is a discourse for another day. Today, I want us to channel our thoughts...
Currencies - be it the Ghana cedi, euro, British pound or US dollar - are primarily a medium of exchange for goods and services. Currencies have evolved as a buildup on the prior barter system, which was merely an exchange of goods for other goods with no means of...
Investment objective is the fundamental reason for investing. Every single investment vehicle can be categorized according to three primary objectives - safety, income, and growth. The argument that an amount of money has no purpose and is just being invested for investment sake is quite mistaken. Usually, the situation...
According to the Central Bank’s Domestic Money Bank’s Income Statement, a total of GHS2.086 billion was written off as bad debt by banks operating in Ghana. The total bad debt stock was 4.7% less than that of 2020 which was GHS2.183 billion. Dear readers, last week, I shared some sentiments...
The issue of problem loans is an albatross that keeps rearing its head in the affairs of financial institutions in both and advanced and less advanced economies. Granting loans is one of the core functions of banks. What are the effects of bad loans? A bank with high percentage of bad...
2020 Honda CR-V. Black Edition. Full Option. Tear-rubber, as they call it. I wasn’t even driving that fast on the motorway. Well, it is the motorway after all but I was driving at about 50mph. Not sure how or why it happened; all I heard was a big bang...
Mining of minerals resources in Ghana started before the arrival of the Portuguese in 1471. So, the abundance of gold and the extraction and trading of gold in the open, during their arrival that they named the Coastal Areas as Gold Coast. They also gave the name Elmina, the...
… using small data effectively can be the key to improving your experience The need to build bridges between the world of data and the real world of customer experience is critical to any customer-focused agenda. There is a delicate balance between what needs to be done behind the...