“Assertiveness is the quality of being self-assured and confident without being aggressive. it is a learnable skill and mode of communication”…Wikipedia Last week, we examined the need for continued assertiveness by bank staff despite the changing scenarios in banking under the new normal. Once again, I wish to emphasize the appreciation...
“A large chair does not make a king.” – Sudanese proverb There is something about the concept of vision that is so inspiring, so energising and so divine it fills the lungs of a people with an extraordinary drive to live and to flourish. It is something beyond knowledge, and...
“My own experience is, use the tools that are out there. Use the digital world. But never lose sight of the need to reach out and talk to other people who don't share your view. Listen to them and see if you can find a way to compromise”.  Colin...
Women are the pivot on which the success of societies revolves. From homes to communities to countries and in the global sphere, women play critical roles in nation-building. But most times these roles are often overlooked and undervalued by a patriarchal society. In a recent African Human Development Report...
Adoption of technology by GRA GRA must transform 14m TINs to Tax Accounts for Citizens/Residents  This feature attempts to discuss the gaps that exist today at Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) in terms of tax administration for the personal income tax category of taxpayers. This gap has facilitated the deliberate...
Climate change affects every facet of life. Heatwaves, flooding, drought, wildfires, and tidal waves to mention a few have become a common feature across different parts of the world. Children and young people are among the most vulnerable groups affected by the global crisis.  However, the perspectives of young...
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”  Winston Churchill When one hears the word “risk”, the immediate reaction is “Aw…problems”. This word seems to have a negative perception and is mostly avoided. Seasoned professionals however know that risk does not always...
In view of the implications from COVID-19 and uncertain harsh realities of the economy, young people around the world are looking for new ways to survive - thus embracing alternative means of earning an income. One newly explored career path that has been increasingly adopted in the past few...
“Civility is not simply a question of minding your manners. It is also a critical component of professional success” P.M. Forni I am sure most of you will believe that despite the opportunities being taken in these times of adversity caused by the COVID 19 pandemic, it has been one...
Money laundering, as I understand, is basically an activity that ‘washes’ by way of disguise, concealment, conversion through techniques of placement and layering ‘dirty’ money acquired through criminal activities, and integrating it into the economic system as ‘clean’ legitimate money. Financial institutions are mostly the conduit for such activities, and...