With a huge potential for a robust fisheries supply system that includes a marine coastline of 550 kilometres, abundant fresh water bodies, dams and reservoirs, Ghana is able to meet just a little over half of her yearly fish requirements of 771000 metric tonnes. The about 40 percent shortfall...
According to amongst others, the Harvard Law School and Negotiations Group, the importance of negotiation skills can’t be overstated. To them having “negotiation skills hold the key to getting ahead in the workplace, business performance and productivity, with economic growth and development, resolving conflicts, and creating real value…”. Similarly, Queensland...
In the past, having a strong brand name and reputation was enough to keep customers happy. Today, they crave personalization and convenience in every interaction they have with a company across different channels. Positive word-of-mouth is now of paramount importance, as it contributes to leads and facilitates conversions, whereas...
Last year, I heard the Minister of Finance making bold statement saying that government is “creating one million jobs” in the next four years. But I have always advocated that the private sector, if equipped, has more potential to create more jobs than the public sector. A typical example...
Bancassurance is now a key product or distribution line in the insurance sector in recent times. Bancassurance commonly means selling insurance products under the roof of a bank. Though bancassurance had its roots in France in the 1980s and spread across different parts of Continental Europe, it has spread...
Inflation is one of the key factors that affect the direction of your investments as they go to the core of the returns you earn on your investments. Inflation being the rate of depreciation of a currency leads to an increase in the prices of goods and services. Headline...
There has never been a time ripe for government to impose religious tax than it is today. The Christian society have been at the fore front against any motive by government to tax any income accruing to the church or other religious bodies other than from their business or...
In the last few decades, countries across the African continent have been experiencing a rapid exodus of people from rural areas to urban centres. The region’s burgeoning urbanisation presents an episode of bittersweet revelation for urban planners and policymakers. Why is that so? With cities accounting for the lion’s...
In May 2022, the government of Ghana through the Ministry of Finance passed the Electronic Transaction levy (E-Levy) in the bid to rope in revenue to boost the country’s economy and address the challenges the economy is facing but two months after its inception the E-levy seems to have...
Two years of the COVID-19 pandemic have exacerbated the education crisis in Western and Central Africa.  The pandemic hampered efforts to increase enrollment rates: indeed, more than 101 million children could not go to school and had little access to distance learning. As countries rebuild their economies, it is urgent...