When Maria and Felix Williams embarked on that dangerous journey to Spain through the Mediterranean waters to make a clean break from poverty, their aim was to share in Spain’s economic wealth.  And once they gave birth to their sons, the focus was to work hard and give them...
"If I spoke in the eloquence of a tongue But did not mind to mean what I spoke If I lived by oratory and fluency But lived for nothing I am nothing"   She traversed in poetry But trampled on prose She rustled feathers with speech But bottled fears for free speech She rattled speech to speak multi tongues But...
Addison gasped. Amerley shrunk so far down in her seat that she wanted to evaporate. “Hello, Mr. Addison, nice to meet you,” she said, avoiding his gaze. “And good afternoon, Miss Luna,” her voice trembling, revealing fear and surprise. Luna turned to look at her, setting her mouth in a...
The joy of Eid-ul-Adha is set to spread forth again. A festival which culminates the yearly pilgrimage (Hajj) to Mecca, and thus commemorate the sacrifice God’s friend, Ibrahim (peace be upon him), made to Him. For some non-Muslims, if they’re asked about Eid-ul-Adha, they’d jovially say, “this is the one...
Eid al Adha which literally means the feast of sacrifice is marked by Muslims around the globe in the month of Zulhijjah to commemorate the submissiveness of Abraham to the will of Allah (to sacrifice his son Ismail). This act of faith is practiced by the adherents of Islam. ...
Twenty-five percent of the world’s population will celebrate one of its  two festivals all around the world starting from tomorrow, Saturday, 9th July 2022. The celebrants are the adherents of Islam (popularly known as Muslims), an Abrahamic, strictly monotheistic and the second largest religion in the world with over...
Synopsis China is gradually bringing Bangladesh into its trap as it is already the major supplier of arms to Bangladesh. Dhaka acquired a sizable amount of military hardware from China which includes two Submarines, Missiles, guns, frigates and fighter aircraft. But now Bangladesh is facing a problem as many of...
I wrote this article last year, and as we are now more than half way through the year I thought that it would be a good idea to look at the wheel of life as a tool again. The wheel of life helps you to appreciate the different areas...
Introduction: What does WASH stand for? Simply:  Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH). The importance of WASH in the development of children’s health and life sustainability across the globe cannot be looked at with human and policy insensitivity. WASH initiatives should, therefore, remain critical to any child development settings either within the...