“Strength lies in differences, not in similarities”…...Stephen Covey Hello Readers, for the past two weeks, my risk binoculars has zoomed in on the beautiful and modern banking hall designs. These new designs are in line with the Central Bank’s cashlite policy of encouraging the use of more electronic-based transactions....
The development of the human resource capital is a critical issue in all organisations and institutions. Today’s Information and Communication Technology has changed the pace of business development and transactions. The competition in the business market calls for employees with the required professional profile and constant updating of knowledge,...
Re: ‘Why are there no Ghanaian banks in other countries?’ – TUC During a press conference in Accra on Monday 18th July 2022, The Secretary General of the Ghana Trades Union Congress, Dr. Yaw Baah, threw a question to the general public on why Ghanaian-owned banks are not operating...
If you reside in any part of Ghana’s coastal areas, particularly in what is referred to as the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA), then you must be familiar with the popular ‘Homowo’ festival of the indigenous Ga people, celebrated annually amid abundance of corn and bumper fish harvests from...
Negotiations are usually formal human interactive events. During this process, leading experts including Simon Horton, Tony Tracy Hui Zhou et al. acknowledge that “we move our hands to emphasize in our talk. We frown, smile, fold our arms, and move towards objects or people, then move away. How we...
Starting a business is a good thing, but choosing the appropriate type of business can have several other consequences because there are legal, tax and other considerations that should influence the type of business set-up for a potential entrepreneur. The tax consequences of conducting business through each type of...
From the smallest organism to the largest, all living things play unique roles that keep the earth in balance. With numerous functions spanning insects and birds that pollinate flowers to bear fruits, plants absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and producing oxygen to purify the air, and plants creating...
Someone once asked me why I have accounts and almost all of the social media platforms and yet barely use them (use here meaning posting and sharing). I honestly didn’t have an answer for the person years ago prior to joining the field of Public Relations (PR), but I...
Culture’s role in negotiations is more important than ever, especially, in an era where there is intense competition among businesses, industries, and even countries for limited resources. Today, it is an accepted fact that cultures can make or break a deal, as do other variables. Does the question then become...
As strategic communication become an integral part of the public relations (PR), marketing and communication ecosystem, the benchmark for work delivered has increased in the world that's constantly changing. A return to simplicity could be a necessity, both in remembering why we do what we do, and how to...