It is amazing to hear and watch how spectators treat their managers when their favourite team loses. Their sentiments always suggest that they know better than their manager or coach. Meanwhile, they forget that a manager’s greatest joy and feat is to win. Their teams’ performance at their peak and...
Arts and culture-related industries provide direct economic growth for the state and local communities. They are important complements to community development and enriching local amenities. Arts and culture create job opportunities and also stimulates local economies through consumer purchases and tourism. Tourism centred on culture and arts contributes greatly to...
A persistent variation in indicators summed in climate, called climate variability, assumes climate change when this variability persists for a long period of at least ten (10) years. It is documented that the variability occurs from the activities of humans in pursuit of ‘development’. In fact, since start of...
Time for a time check.  We are well into the third quarter of the year and so the question is, where are you with your plans? Have you managed to achieve any of the goals that you have planned for this year? Have you even started with your plans?...
“The mind is like palm oil, when it lies still we heat it up.” – Akan proverb There are things we know of which demand action and yet we do nothing about them. Two of them we know we have to change, and we know we have to adopt new...
If I should ask any car owner or user, the cost of their vehicles, they will quote the purchase price of the vehicle. They might be right in a way, but is that the true cost of owning a vehicle? The total cost of owning a vehicle goes beyond the...
Ghana’s Founders’ Day is a particularly significant date for the Kalmoni family. Held every year on 4th August, the day commemorates the six key leaders who led the struggle for Ghana’s independence from colonial rule in 1957. Nissan has been there for every kilometre of the journey. “Japan Motors is...
Negotiating for mutually beneficial outcomes, as rightly pointed out by Patrick Collins, Gavin Kennedy, Chris Voss, et al., "should be the definitive aim of any negotiations." Despite the competitive nature of negotiations, options that benefit both parties encourage cooperation, mutual respect, and opportunities for long-term sustainable relationships. While most negotiation...
The world of diplomacy. It hit the headlines after the Australian High Commission was accused of ‘unfair and unjust treatment’ by a Ghanaian former employee, Mercy Catherine Adjabeng. This accusation is playing out in the court of public opinion after a press conference highlighting the allegations. There is an...
Introductory Lean Six Sigma Background to the Series I came across the Lean Six Sigma methodology some seventeen odd years ago while working for a Honda first-tier supplier of body-in-white components in the West Midlands of the United Kingdom. The results I saw delivered by the methodology were so mind-blowing...