Like all relationships, that between a business and its customers can get tardy and insidiously lethargic. New businesses which are eagerly seeking to attract customers away from better known and established brands will invariably encounter customers who are disinterested and hesitant to engage Financial institutions like banks and insurance companies...
Is ambition poisonous? Rather than a yes or no answer, let’s explore it. The world’s media lit up as Meghan Markle released the first episode of her new podcast, Archetypes. Her first guest was tennis world superstar, grand slam winner, Serena Williams. The topic? Misconceptions of ambition in women. I...
…Deepening ADR mechanism and African traditional methods in dispute resolution There is need to expand and entrench Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) deeply into our legal and governance system. Complex, intractable and challenging cases that would have taken 30-40 years to resolve in court with the present western judiciary system we...
…Waiting time guarantees and customer experience This is far from an ideal world. I have said it once and I will say it again. This world is far from ideal. If it were, in the very least, there would be no queues. People will get what they want, exactly when...
New mobility services are forecast to expand dramatically through to 2030 Transport innovation offers opportunities to leapfrog traditional modes of transit Asia is poised to be the centre of demand for transport-sharing services Micromobility solutions have significant room for growth As the world looks to reduce carbon emissions and...
Privacy and Personal Information The concept of privacy refers to our capacity to keep our private information to ourselves and to manage the consequences of disclosing it to others. Information that can be used to identify a person is considered personal information. For instance, names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses,...
In November, 2021, the Eighth Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Ministerial Conference was successfully convened in Dakar, Senegal. The Conference adopted four outcome documents including the Dakar Declaration. Chinese President Xi Jinping announced the launch of nine programs for China-Africa cooperation. Since the Conference, despite the evolving international situation,...
My fascination with the role of a Governor in the economic management of a country dates back to my days as a sub-officer in the then Social Security Bank Ltd. in the early 1980s. My colleagues then nicknamed me ‘Governor’ - an empty ‘title’ that I cherished so much...
Not only does the ongoing rapid cedi depreciation constitute Ghana’s biggest economic challenge, but the trend could also become a threat to national stability if not checked. The exchange rate is the price of foreign currency in terms of domestic currency. It can be rigidly fixed or freely determined by...
Since time immemorial, the people of Accra and its environs have constantly grappled with perennial flooding. Despite various interventions by national and local governments now and in the past, the situation persists to this day, exacting a heavy toll on livelihoods and property. Flooding in Ghana is a topic that...