Indeed, an independent Judiciary is the crown jewel of a constitutional republic. We proudly associate ourselves with this truism by Justice Brett Kavanaugh of the USA. This statement is also correct in Ghana, given the fact that our Judiciary occupies a pre-eminent position in our democratic affairs. It is thus...
From various interpretations, Russia is taking advantage of the past Soviet-era connections and Africa's growing dissatisfaction and disappointment with the Western world, but still its economic presence (footprints) remain marginal compared to other key foreign players. Despite the fact that Western and European powers are experiencing falling influence, they...
Research is unquestionably fundamental to the development of any society. It contributes to scientific knowledge and economic development, and it can be used to solve significant societal issues. While the traditional image of research has been that of the universities, research has always been conducted by different actors and...
…navigating workplace stress in the digital age Both leaders and employees are perpetually tasked with being creative and innovative in their professional environments. Presently, the swift progress of technology has triggered a rapid pace of transformation across numerous industries. This pressure has given rise to an insatiable demand for novel...
…vicarious embarrassment and customer experience Imagine sitting in a conference hall, waiting for a well renowned speaker to mount the stage. After a few minutes, you spy the speaker entering the hall through a side door. However, you noticed something amiss. The flap of the man’s pair of trousers were...
…of labour, politics and the reality Wage increase is simply how much employees earn at a given period. It is a standard practice across the world that due to the increasing cost of living, annually employers increase the wage rate of employees to mitigate the increasing cost of living. It...
God has given to man; his own free will. We have a choice to make His will superior to ours or diminish His and go by our self-centred will created out of our sinister or portentous desire which has no future. The debate on LGBTQI has taken a global...
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”  Winston Churchill ******This article was first published in January 2018********* When one hears the word “risk”, the immediate reaction is “Aw…problems”. This word seems to have a negative perception and is mostly avoided. Seasoned professionals...
This article is a follow-up to the earlier one published on Monday, 10 May, 2023 edition of this column. In the earlier edition, I treated you to how system integration and software compatibilities facilitate business performance in the modern corporate world. Today’s article further looks at software integration and...
As we strive to optimise decision-making efficiency, we must be mindful of illogical choices that may infiltrate our lives. How can we ensure that our decisions are optimised for success? Our cognitive processes tend to swiftly and unexpectedly justify a desire as soon as it becomes alluring. However, it is...