The National Accreditation Board (NAB) has said it lacks the power to close down the close-to-50 unaccredited tertiary institutions it has identified. Following a recent publication in the B&FT on the said unaccredited institutions, there have been calls for the board to deal with such institutions instead of simply publishing...
Prudential Bank and UBA have offered the Cocoa Processing Company Limited (CPC) US$5million and US$10million guarantees respectively, to enable the leading cocoa processor to purchase cocoa beans for the production of chocolate and other cocoa products for export and local consumption. Nana Agyenim Boateng, Managing Director of the company, disclosed...
The lawyer for the Millennium Excellence Foundation (MEF), Charles Zwennes has indicated that they will be considering their options including a court action to clear their soiled reputation over allegations of extortion  at the Ghana Expatriate Business Awards held in December last year. “The propagation of such irresponsible and destructive...
The Minority walked out from Parliament over the “cash for seat” Committee report following investigations into claims that the Trade Ministry extorted $100,000 from expatriates to allow them to sit close to the President during the Ghana Expatriates Business Awards in December 2017. They indicated that most of the MPs...
The Minister for Trade and Industry, Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen, who has been accused of using the Presidency for profiteering has been cleared of any wrongdoing over issues surrounding the recently held Ghana Expatriate Business Award (GEBA). The committee report presented to parliament ahead of a debate on it found no...
The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) has welcomed moves by the Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo government, to hedge its oil imports under a new risk management strategy to keep fiscal consolidation on track as global crude prices recover. According to the civil society group, moves to hedge the country’s oil...
The Department of Communication Innovation and Technology (CIT) of the University for Development Studies (UDS) is to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Film and Television Institute (NAFTI) to deepen its relationship for a joint communication programme. This is to enhance the capacity of students trained at the...
Africa cannot depend on others to finance education on the continent when it has the wherewithal to do so, President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has said. He said Africa has the resources and capacity to finance access to quality education of its citizens, and also promote the continent’s interests. "If we...
Government has secured US$20m from the African Development Bank (AfDB) for constructing a link road between Volivo to Dorfor Adidome, the site for constructing an alternative bridge across the Volta Lake, Kwasi Amoako-Atta, the Roads & Highways Minister has told Parliament. Even though government has already secured Japanese concessionary funding...
As part of the Energy Ministry’s effort to conserve energy, a total number of 12 million LED lamps will be distributed throughout the country under a cost-recovery credit programme to be operating through a local bank, a Parliamentary report has revealed. According to a report of the Select Committee on...