Out of 275 Members of Parliament(MP), only 100 of them have so far visited the Parliamentary Clinic for frequent medical screening or review, Dr.Mark Assibey-Yeboah,[ MP for New Juaben South has disclosed. According to Dr. Assibey-Yeboah, Parliament made it available to MPs to go for full health screening but most...
Becoming a dollar millionaire in your golden years is possible, if you’re a savvy saver Do you feel well prepared for your retirement? We tend to underestimate the power of planning for our financial future, but it’s never too early to start. As an example, if you start saving USD2,000 a year...
The Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly (STMA) has announced that it will construct modern markets that will befit the status of the metropolis as well help businesses to thrive for the growth of the economy. According to STMA Chief Executive Officer Mr. Anthony K.K Sam, the market at Sekondi has become too...
Employees of Technip FMC in Ghana has presented 400 pieces of clothes and various educational and reading books to the children of Teshie Children's Home in Accra. Mrs. Abigail Aba Krah Mensah Compliance and Communications Manager of the company in an interaction with the media indicated that, the Teshie Children’s home,...
Green economy business incubator, the Ghana Climate Innovation Centre (GCIC), held a one-day Entrepreneurship Masterclass on Monday with renowned business coach and psychologist, Lanre Olusola of the Lanre Olusola Coaching Academy based in Lagos. Lanre spoke to the B&FT during the recess and observed that the American economy is the...
The highest court of the land, Supreme Court on Wednesday February 21, 2017, upheld that SIC’s appeal against Ivory Finance Company Ltd regarding a credit guarantee case which has been in court over the last five years. The unanimous decision of the apex court came with an order that, the...
Operators of Courier Services who have failed to acquire licences from the Postal and Courier Services Regulatory Commission (PCSRC) have been warned to do so immediately, or soon face prosecution. Under Section 10 of the Postal and Courier Services Regulatory Commission Act 649, offenders are liable to a fine of...
The use of e-bills pay in public institutions can reduce the human interface and help bring down corruption. E-bills pay is an electronic payment system that enables large corporate institutions to receive payment via the internet or mobile applications. It is one of the latest initiatives by Ghana Interbank...
Ghana can build on its good performance under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) programme by focusing more on value addition to its export commodities like cocoa and Shea Butter and exporting to the US market. Available data from the US Economic Policy in Africa show that between 2016 and...
US evangelist Billy Graham - one of the most influential preachers of the 20th Century - has died aged 99. Graham became one of the best-known promoters of Christianity, preaching to audiences worldwide in large arenas, beginning in London in 1954. He died at his home in Montreat, North Carolina, a...