As the pandemic leads most of us online, cybersecurity remains crucial. With COVID-19, Video conferencing has become very popular very quickly. Attackers have noticed and moved to capitalise on that popularity and brand strength. Not only are attackers using video conferencing brands as a lure for malware, but they’re...
Ivory Coast said last week  it would refuse to validate a U.S.-sponsored report due to be published this month about child labour in its cocoa sector unless the researchers and U.S. government accept changes to the methodology. The report, which is funded by the U.S. Labor Department and scheduled to...
Accurate and timely economic data are crucial for informing policy decisions, especially during a crisis. But the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the production of many key statistics. Without reliable data, policymakers cannot assess how badly the pandemic is hurting people and the economy, nor can they properly monitor the...
We are in extraordinary times, with stress and uncertainties on people and businesses never experienced nor anticipated. Most firms would hint to you that 2020 looked like their best tee ever till the pandemic forcefully halted and changed the world as we know it. We are very much aware that...
There have been calls from many Civil Society Organizations and governance expert on the need to reform internal auditing in the Public Service to protect the public purse. The Auditor-General, Mr. Daniel Dormelevo recently said Internal Auditors (IA) need autonomy to end corruption in the public sector. He emphasized...
Lionel Lopez grimaces as he looks at the stagnant green water in the bottom of the pool at his hotel in Senegal’s Saloum Delta. He drained it after the global pandemic closed borders, bringing West Africa’s tourism industry to a standstill in mid-March. The Sine-Saloum region has escaped the worst...
Banks and Specialized Deposit Taking institutions (SDTIs) exist to provide financial solutions to their customers. In doing so, they largely take deposits and grant credit facilities to Customers. Credit Facilities come in several forms/types ranging from Contingent Liabilities (Bid Guarantees, Bank Guarantees, Performance Guarantees, Advanced Payment Guarantees, and Retention...
South Africa will allow most economic sectors including mining and manufacturing to fully resume operations from today as the country further eases coronavirus lockdown regulations, the government said last week Thursday. Africa’s most industrialized economy has been largely shut since a nationwide lockdown began in late March. South Africa has...
The €500 billion ($547 billion) COVID-19 recovery fund proposed by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron has been hailed as a turning point for the European Union – and for good reason. Beyond its concrete economic implications, the proposal reaffirms a commitment to solidarity by the...
“A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption on our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider on our business. He is part of it. We...