Dear readers, after reading various hidden signs of burnout and stress, I am sure most of them are familiar to you. After recognizing such signs, they should not be swept under the carpet. People risk is one of the four factors that impact on operational risks leading to losses...
Standard Bank’s inaugural African Wealth Report 2020 brings to light a highly relevant segment of the global wealth market, which to date has been largely left out of international studies. With the help of leading research house, Intellidex, we have produced a profound body of insights that will go a...
The world has experienced several outbreaks of diseases in the past century. All these pandemics had their positive and adverse effects on the world, as well as the lives of individuals. The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is no exception. This pandemic has brought about a total disruption in various activities....
Fifty years ago, Milton Friedman published an article in the New York Times that articulated what has come to be known as the Friedman doctrine: “the social responsibility of business is to increase its profits.” It was a theme he had developed in his 1962 book Capitalism and Freedom,...
The competition seeks to inspire team-building and innovative ideas to transform current utilities into Advanced, Futuristic, SMART, Sustainable and Agile African Power Utilities The African Development Bank (AfDB) and EnergyNet, organisers of the Africa Energy Forum (AEF) have created the ‘African Utility of Future’ competition enabling teams to compete for...
Some of the major reasons which inform our reading for all kinds of reading books are obtaining information and recreation. It must also be stated that the reasons which inform people’s choice of books to read depend on a person’s age, sex and interests. Reading gives society access to...
Admiring the sea at the Goree’ Island in Senegal somewhere September 2016, a conversation ensued as regards the status of Chinua Achebe and Prof. Wole Soyinka in Africa. A lot were said about these two; albeit I cannot recall all that was discussed. One thing that still lingers or rings...
MTN Ghana has withdrawn its application filed at the Supreme Court to challenge a judgement declaring the company as a Significant Market Power (SMP). The company explained in statement that it reached the decision after engaging with the National Communications Authority (NCA) and the Ministry of Communication in a concerted...
Covid-19 continues to have an adverse impact on the global landscape. Assets worldwide are depreciating and bankruptcies abound; gold is a new means of storing wealth; stocks are at their lowest and almost worthless - except those of companies that provide the basics. Tullow that once was trading at...
The Africa Centre for Energy Policy (ACEP) is urging government to use the extractive oil resources efficiently to benefit all and also enhance socio economic activities in the country. This, ACEP said, would help to ensure that all projects that were benefiting from oil funds are executed efficiently and on time...