There are so many controversies surrounding the contribution of starchy foods such as cassava and many others to the incidence of diabetes mellitus. Since cassava is an important staple food that is consumed in various forms in Ghana which fufu is the base, I have decided to conduct a...
Few things feel as good as waking up rested and energised after a great sleep. But for many of us, that’s hard to come by. Plenty of factors can influence sleep quality, but let’s take a look at the role of food choices made during the day. Preliminary research has...
“History is not what happened, but what shipwrecks of judgement and chance” - Maria Popova. This year 2020 saw the uprising of the black lives matter movement, following the brutal killings of black people in America such as George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and many others. The movement revealed racial prejudice...
…when situations are tough and rough, institutions may look for a change of face and pace It is somewhat advocated that Women in Leadership positions will achieve greatness than men in same spots and situations when institutions are in crisis and where the chance of failure is highest.  Many have...
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) services are fundamental to economic development. The availability of safe WASH can facilitate business development, especially the informal sector, which contributes significantly to economic growth and development in many developing countries including Ghana. From farmers, traders, and artisans; many economic activities are carried out in...
Spicy peanut chicken is a classic combination of peanuts, chicken and chillies. Spicy peanut chicken is an easy stir fry dish which gives you the option to create your own variation by tossing in your favourite spice, vegetable or substitute peanut with other kinds of nuts like almond, cashew...
I chanced upon a story that had me thinking all week about how I make others feel about their choices which may be different from mine. Allow me to share it with you; A widower was laying flowers on his wife's grave, when he saw a Chinese man putting a...
Labour pains ran all over her anatomy Lowering from her upper down her lower abdomen Announcing her place among fertile women Her labour noise was heard travelling along the lobby Registering her voice around the ward of maternity Calling her nurse to attend to a delivery So her nurse hurried to calm her noise Calming her...
Bukom is a small neighbourhood in the Ghanaian capital, Accra, considered as one of the toughest communities where opportunities are limited. It is a known hub of cultural activities and has many cultural troupes scattered around. The densely populated community is inhabited by fishermen, however, fishing is not Bukom’s only...
The National Communications Authority (NCA) has announced that it has granted additional temporary spectrum at no cost to MTN and Vodafone to improve their service to customers. The extra 5 Megahertz (MHz) spectrum was made available to the network operators in April 2020 at their request, to ease congestion following...