I have personally experienced that there is no simple answer to any question in life although you have a choice to leave it simple The discussion on leadership and leader personality coupled with how leaders emerge always have a tickling effect on leadership authors and readers. Rather old-fashioned, leadership students...
Human as we are the desire to be with other people is innate. As such we each form relationships as we go along in life. Relationships are very beautiful, the coming together of two different people requires a lot from both people. At the onset of every relationship there’s...
So bent to bend the rules to mend To turn the bend to fend off to the end To bend to turn to cling to a change   So he flew up in the skies Up up out of their sight He ignored any threat for a fright No matter the height He longed to fly on...
Have you ever wondered what the food you eat everyday can tell you about where you come from? Have you ever wondered why people from different parts of the world eat different types of food? Do you ever ask yourself why certain foods or culinary traditions are so important to...
Building a solid corporate sports brand Juliet Bawuah arrives at the studio for her photoshoot somewhere in the capital. She is 30 minutes ahead of time. As the photographer sets up for the session, she gets made up for the day’s theme. It is a life she is familiar with being in front of the camera for years and coming into our homes...
  The Africa Investment Forum was working to promote content deals as well as digital infrastructure projects to advance creative industries, including support to smaller players Digital platforms in Africa should scale up to take advantage of the continent’s surging demand for creative content, said Africa Investment Forum Senior Director Chinelo...
As widely reported, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Novel Coronavirus (Sars-Cov 2) as a global pandemic on March 11th, 2020. While contagion was the main health impact, government decisions to contain the spread have consequential economic impacts in the short and long terms. China, the second-largest world...
Just as tropical forests help to maintain ecological balance and support livelihoods in the hinther- lands, so mangrove forests fulfil critical functions in coastal areas. Mangroves are found in 10 of the 17 West African countries and play a vital role in the region’s coastal fisheries, contributing about $400 million...
American foreign policy since World War II has been based on a simple idea, perhaps best expressed by President George W. Bush after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks: Either you are with us or against us. America should lead, allies should follow, and woe be to countries that...
Efforts in the United States to increase the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $15 per hour have gained steam now that the Democratic Party controls the White House and Congress. Such a move makes sense both economically and politically. Economists are no longer as skeptical of minimum wages as...