There is a critical role insurance play in the society or the economy of every nation or country. The roles and contributions of insurance...
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
-----------Maya Angelou, Poet and civil rights activist
We are engulfed by stories every day....
African economies are at a pivotal juncture. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought economic activity to a standstill. Africa’s hard-won economic gains of the last...
Over the years I have watched with a pinch of salt bad management practices and decisions made by managers in both private and public...
Life is a series of continuous occurrences which we choose to either respond or react at each stage. A majority of the experiences we...
At the just ended Egyptian African Businessmen Association (EABA)’s African Women’s Conference organized under the theme: “the role of...
…Worse than absenteeism?
It was a place a visited often so I knew a number of the front line employees there. I had even come...
The recurrent refrain that runs through conversations with Ghanaians about what their dreams are, is the liberties that come with economic freedom. For many...
“Such thinking makes me feel that some people see secondary education as a privilege and not a right. To such people, once they classify...
The Kandifo Institute has hosted the maiden edition of the Kofi Annan Scholars Webinar with Dr. Kodjo Esseim Mensah-Abrampa, the Director General of the...