The law of nature requires that at the start of every new season, we sow and nurse our efforts so that we can expect a good harvest. Given that you adequately plan your beginnings, are you in control of the outcomes of the processes that will occur in the middle...
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”  Winston Churchill When one hears the word ‘risk’, the immediate reaction is “Aw…problems”. This word seems to have a negative perception and is mostly avoided. Seasoned professionals however know that risk does not always...
Africa’s foremost financial institution, the African Development Bank (AfDB), has made a compelling case for accelerating industrialisation in order to create jobs, reduce poverty and promote inclusive economic growth. The President of the Bank believes agriculture needs to at the forefront in the continent’s industrialisation drive. In the Bank’s 2018 Economic...
Time and time again we hear of, or witness, start-up businesses’ failures; or even worse, huge companies or projects crashing after cruising in ‘business paradise’. Like first-time walking toddlers, it is natural that all entities or initiatives have their fair share of ground-tasting. Just as some valley-of-death scenarios can...
On the back of the successful ruling in September 2017 at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Seas to define Ghana's maritime boundaries with the Ivory Coast, more news. Subject to Parliamentary approval, this is virtually assured (the government has a majority in the House, the Legislature generally...
I came back from Italy a few days ago. It was the third country I visited in January 2018. I know, it is only the second week in January, but my travel life is really looking up this year and for that, I am grateful and that also means...
I have never screamed till I’m hoarse before, throat patched, voice cracked yet I still screamed, because today was different; I laughed hard till happy tears dripped down my face. I held my sides and still laughed till they hurt but I didn’t mind, I could not rid my...
…lessons from the dissolution of UT Bank and Capital Bank 2 (i) Financial Distress Financial distress is the situation when a bank cannot meet or face difficulty to repay off its financial obligations to the creditors. The chances of causing financial distress increases when fixed costs are high, assets are illiquid,...
Even as we tackle the Fulani menace in parts of the Ashanti Region, a security analyst, Dr. Kwesi Aning, is calling for a revision of the strategy. “Operation Cow Leg, driven by the shoot the cattle strategy, is confrontational, is dangerous, is aggravating the problem,” Aning notes. Corroborating this stance...
For start-ups looking for sustained funding, the best way to access the right funding is to look out for investors who have experience in their field of business, Dr. Belinda Gail Quarterman Noah, Executive Director of the Founder Institute, a world premier idea-stage accelerator and start-up launch programme, has...