Technology is an essential part of our lives today and only few people can imagine living without it. In the era of rapidly changing technology nearly every business has been affected in various ways. HR has always been the most crucial part of any business, as finding the right...
  The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is one of the metrics that is used to measure Customer Loyalty. You might not be aware of it, but you mostly likely have participated in its measurement several times. You know it in the form of a simple questionnaire which asks you -for example in a...
What would Jesus say to these Bantama boys? What words would He articulate had He watched that video? This now viral video where up to seven boys watched, laughed as they took turns to rape a teenage girl. Throughout the video, she is held down, boys arms pressed around her...
By 2050 more than one in four people on our planet will be African. Bold action is needed now to ensure that all of them have a fair chance of leading healthy, prosperous and fulfilling lives, urges the newest and final report from Kofi Annan’s Africa Progress Panel (APP)). The...
Whew! Such a sweet relief from the year's strenuous routines for a luxury rest during the holidays. “But, do entrepreneurs go on holiday breaks?” Rather an unusual but amusing question a colleague recently put forward to me. Indubitably, it's a tough business world out there, all jeers no cheers but...
This is the second in the series of the subject geotechnical engineering. In the previous series I mentioned five areas of its applications. Right! The areas of application continue. This series will discuss, among others, the development and use of geotechnical engineering in Ghana. Dams, Embankment, dykes & levees...
The government of Ghana has since independence depended on the donor community to fund between 30-40% of its budget over the years. Various efforts have been made by previous governments to reverse the trend. The current government led by Nana Addo Dankwah  Akuffo-Addo has announced its intention to wean...
“The sun does not forget a village just because it is small.” – Ghanaian proverb As we round up the last few days of the year, the frenzy about making new plans for the coming year has set in. As usual, it is all about creating better lives for ourselves....
The Omanhene of Asokore Asante in the Ashanti Region, Nana Dr. S.K.B. Asante, has charged government to begin consulting and involving chiefs in the issuance of licences to Artisanal and Small-Scale miners in particular. According to the astute legal luminary, chiefs are the best way to provide legitimate advice and...
“The kinds of errors that cause plane crashes are invariably errors of teamwork and communication.” Malcolm Gladwell  How time flies. Last October, 2017 marked my fourth year of writing articles for The Risk Watch column of the Business and Financial Times newspaper. I will call it a journey of mixed...