Over the past five years, the country’s microfinance sector has been under severe stress, owing to the collapse of some Microfinance institutions in the Brong Ahafo and Northern Regions. Similar closures happened in the Volta and Greater Accra Regions. There have been several reports of MFIs closing down and running...
You see when we started off the road, full of hopes that the best is on its way, we didn't for see exactly what was ahead. Some of us were not prepared for the tough times that were unknown. In fact, nobody is ever ready. By the time you...
By the year 2050 Africa’s youth population is projected to be a little over 840 million, making it the continent with the youngest population on earth. The issue was raised by at a two-day consultation at the African Development Bank’s headquarters in Abidjan. Though it is recognised that the growing...
March 8, 2018 is set aside as a day to celebrate women across the globe. It is the International Women’s Day. The International Women’s Day is a significant day for ACCA: as a membership body we owe a large part of our identity, our diversity, our past and our future...
International Women’s Day is a call to celebrate the extraordinary achievements of women and a reminder that, globally, we are a long way from achieving gender equality. Today, women in Africa lag behind men politically, socially and economically, even though they make up half of the continent’s population. I have...
“The goat thought it was dirtying its owner's wall until it realised it was tearing off its own skin.” – Akan proverb Life can be very tough and discouraging. It can drag to the point where aspirations begin to look impossible. But we cannot let that stop us from focusing...
Did they say they will contact with you later? They even gave you their complimentary card right? But they never called and when you call they don’t pick up. There might be several reasons this is happening. A lot more graduates are losing out on great opportunities, because their first...
Despite the impressive growth of premium income in the insurance industry, the insurance penetration rate unfortunately continues to be very low. Insurance penetration, measured as the contribution of premium income to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), currently stands at below 2% (NIC Annual Report, 2016). One of the key factors attributed...
(The case study of the Micro-Creditors in Ghana) Poverty has become an albatross for most countries and individual households especially in the developing countries like Ghana. Currently about more than one half of every 10 group of youthful people you meet in Ghana either are jobless and /or are...
(The case study of the Micro-Creditors in Ghana) Poverty has become an albatross for most countries and individual households especially in the developing countries like Ghana. Currently about more than one half of every 10 group of youthful people you meet in Ghana either are jobless and /or are...