“If sin persists for a year it becomes tradition.” – Nigerian proverb Life offers us a blank canvas to paint anything we want to on it. There is no rule regarding what colours or paints to use, neither the brushes. All it wants is for you to pour yourself on...
Smallholder farmers in the country provide more than 80% of food produce for domestic consumption, industry and export, and provide jobs for 40% of Ghanaians - yet they face numerous challenges ranging from low and unreliable rainfall patterns, high cost of inputs, high post-harvest losses, limited access to extension...
Our regional correspondents from the Ashanti and Brong Ahafo Regions toured some cocoa-growing areas in their respective regions…and have a sad tale to tell. Ordinarily, they were told, an acre of cocoa should yield an average farmer between 13-15 bags of cocoa beans (64kg), but now farmers are recording...
As impressed on the populace by President Nana Akufo-Addo, in order to achieve a Ghana beyond aid, the country needs to change the structure of its economy from one that mostly produces raw materials to one of value addition. At a one-day cocoa-investors’ forum that brought together key players in...
The spate of vehicular accidents in the country has for some time now occupied the minds of many, even as rising starlet ‘Ebony Reigns’ lost her life in a motor accident. We may publicly decry the spate of accidents on our roads, but we dare say sometimes our inaction...
We are still near the start of 2018, and already it feels like tension and disorder will be the year’s defining characteristics. From anti-immigration policies in the United States to flaring geopolitical hotspots in the Middle East and East Asia, disruption, upheaval, and uncertainty seem to be the order...
A study conducted by a US-based think-tank has found out that the large-scale movement of people out of sub-Saharan Africa has grown steadily nearly every year since 2010. The survey is of utmost importance to us here in Ghana, since Ghana, Nigeria and Kenya are the biggest sources of...
Some weeks ago, social media in Ghana was inundated with people sharing pictures of some packs of hot spicy sausages by Spicy Foods indicating wrong manufacturing dates on their labels. Following widespread concerns showed by patrons of Spicy Foods, the Food and Drugs Authority (the “FDA”), which is the primary...
Introduction In the history of the World, revolutions in varied forms and types have occurred and continue to take place till date. For example, there was the Stone Age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age; then, there came the Industrial Revolution and more recently the Information Age. There is...
Wisdom Key We live in a period of unprecedented opportunity. The secrets of enduring advantage are available to anyone who wishes to climb to the very pinnacle of achievement. Each article in this series highlights two critical attributes from our book, 101 Keys to Achievement and Fulfillment. This is the...