• Ensure a sustained campaign to keep your brand alive There is no denying the fact that the level of effort you invest in any undertaking reflects in its success or otherwise of it. Take the English Premiership for example, like all others in Europe and elsewhere, for some nine...
Parliament and judiciary increases by only 48.71% and 18.49% respectively A case of betrayal and lack of commitment to effective separation of powers and good governance principles Critical analysis of the 2021 budgetary allocations as against previous provisions reveal that, over the last five years, allocations to the...
“If you do not have patience, you cannot make beer.” – African proverb Building a strong and thriving nation goes beyond physical structures and resources; it requires a foundation of positive intangible attitudes that foster unity, growth and mutual support. In the intricate tapestry of development dynamics, these intangible attitudes...
not just a book, but a tool for soul-searching conversation The mind of a poet often orbits around the earth, gathering particles of words into the sub-conscious mind and when it has finally rested, unpacks them; a mixture of good and bad words, and like a farmer separating the...
World of inequalities Statistically, if one made US$5,000 every blessed day starting in 1492 - when Christopher Columbus arrived in America - one would still have less money than Jeff Bezos, who is worth over US$190billion. Crazy, isn’t it? According to an Oxfam report in 2018, the 26 richest people in...
Insurance is simply a promise to pay. It could also be viewed as a risk transfer mechanism where individuals and households transfer risks or unpleasant situations to a professional risk carrier for a fee or premium to cater to those losses as and when they occur. It is for...
Channelling SDRs to avert Africa debt crisis  The African Development Bank has called on rich countries to lend it some of the $650 billion of special drawing rights issued to them by the IMF as part of the fund’s response to the coronavirus pandemic. The whole of Africa received less than...
Author and speaker Comfort Ocran is set to host the Springboard Hangout on e.TV Ghana beginning Sunday, April 25, 2021. The hour-long show, which will air from 5pm-6pm every Sunday, will focus on leadership, entrepreneurship, building resilience, multiple streams of income and other critical personal development areas relevant in this...
The second part of Cool Czechia: Young African Leaders' Study Trip programme took place in the southern Czech Republic town of Telč, known for its Italian Renaissance architecture including the chateau, former Gothic castle with carved wood ceilings, the Highlands Museum and colorful houses with arcades and ornamental gables...
…the story of Kaniya Energy There is an African proverb which says: ‘the rat does not get out of its hole in the day for nothing. It either pursuing something, or something is pursing it’. To bring it in the context of this article, this week’s Inspiring Start-ups features...