..When issues at work follow you home It has been claimed that the workplace is a rich place for gossips. True. With people vying for limited resources, jostling for few positions, and seeking favour from both colleagues and superiors, the workplace is indeed ripe grounds for gossiping, especially of the...
Introduction Ghana’s relationship with the IMF does not seem to come to an end anytime soon. Successive governments have taken advantage of the relationship to seek refuge after mismanaging the economy. Many of our government usually do not heed local advice and plunge the country into debt after excessive borrowing...
Leadership entails a lot of things including your willingness to learn, empower others, adapt to situations, delegate power, engage your team and clients, and reflect from time to time on how things have been and the new ways in which they can be done more effectively. An indispensible part of...
The role that many sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) play in national economic policy has changed dramatically as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, giving rise to questions about their future. The IMF predicts that the global economy will contract by 4.9% this year, down from growth of 2.9% in 2019, while...
…A case for an independent regulator for market conduct Similar to its counterparts in many other emerging economies, Ghana's financial sector is critical to the country's growth since it acts as a vital conduit for the effective distribution of financial resources among economic actors with various spending capacities. The imperatives...
The world of diplomacy. It hit the headlines after the Australian High Commission was accused of ‘unfair and unjust treatment’ by a Ghanaian former employee, Mercy Catherine Adjabeng. This accusation is playing out in the court of public opinion after a press conference highlighting the allegations. There is an...
Risk Profiling does not only address the avoidance of risk, but also the ability to take calculated risks and manage same to achieve zero to minimal losses. It borders largely on knowledge of the types of risk you can be confronted with, the ones you may take voluntarily and...
Julia Jackson, the mother of Jacob Blake, a young black man from Kenosha, Wisconsin, who was shot seven times in the back by police, got it right when she said, “America is great when we behave greatly.” Sadly, for the past four years, President Donald Trump has been leading...
…can Ghana secure the lifeline it desperately needs? Ghana, like many countries around the world, has faced significant financial challenges, particularly in managing its debt. The West African nation is making determined efforts to address its debt issues and seek substantial relief. In a recent development, the government of Ghana...
Poet: Adebayo Abidemi Zainab Publisher: OAK Initiative Reviewer: Isaac Aidoo “Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.”- Geoffrey Chaucer. This collection entitled: ‘Rhythms Through...