The e-waste management project (E-MAGIN) funded by the European Union organised a Training of Trainers and Capacity building workshops for selected Micro Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) from the e-waste sector in Ghana. The purpose of the training programme was to equip Trainers and MSMEs in the e-waste sector with...
“A person shows his or her character by what he or she laughs at.” – African proverb During a contemplation on the human personality, Carl Jung, the Swiss psychiatrist, profoundly said, “Man cannot stand a meaningless life.” His words sum up the deep human need to seek meaning and purpose...
a must-have for businesses in today’s technological world The need to adapt to the ever-changing customer/consumer demands and market realities is driving businesses to be innovative at a never-before-seen pace in order to stay relevant and competitive. This trend is further driven by the roles technology and human ingenuity...
Banking consultant and corporate governance expert Dr. Richmond Atuahene has said that for banks to remain resilient and safely sail through the coronavirus pandemic storm, it will be necessary for them to improve on their digitisation drive and form strong partnerships with financial technology companies (fintechs). Speaking ahead of the...
Handing over a leadership baton can be an incredibly daunting task for any leader – and the organizations they lead. Surprisingly, many African startups are unprepared for the possibility of a key team member's sudden departure and have no concrete plan in place for such an event. In fact,...
To mould the team, place more emphasis on performance. If your focus is not on performance, then there is no need wasting everybody’s time. In moulding, your team will weigh your tolerance level and they will check your patience too. Obviously, they will check your expert power and they...
Government has assured that it will work to further reduce the cost of electricity in Ghana to help drive its industrialisation agenda in the private sector. Currently, Ghana has one of the highest per kilowatt cost of electricity to industry in the West African sub-region, even though government has reduced...
In the bustling city of Accra, a seed was planted in the year 2013. A seed that would grow into a movement, a beacon of hope for environmental sustainability and a catalyst for transformation. The Ghana Garden and Flower Show (GGFS), initiated by Strategic Communications Africa Limited (Stratcomm Africa),...
We love trees not just because of their aesthetic beauty but for the many additional benefits they provide to our environment, humanity, and the entire planet. In addition to offering much needed shade on a sunny day, the presence of trees gives those who are a lover of nature...
The Young Professionals and Youth Coalition (YPYC), has honoured Vodafone Ghana’s CEO, Patricia Obo-Nai, with the Young Professional Role Model in Women Executive Leadership award. The award was presented during the Young Professional Role Model Summit and Awards at the Accra International Conference Centre. The awards are aimed at recognising the...