There is no historical precedent for the current worldwide shutdown of most ‘non-essential’ economic activities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Nor do policymakers have any experience of trying to engineer a smooth recovery after a shock of this magnitude. Clearly, however, governments now need to take responsibility. With...
The unprecedented shutdown of much of the US economy that has been ordered by federal, state, and local governments is understandable given the need to slow the coronavirus’s spread. Too often, however, well-intentioned and often long-lasting government interventions prevent markets from working properly and thus do more harm than...
Thanks to the internet and social media platforms, work is still on going for many institutions and organisations in the midst of the worldwide lockdown following the COVID 19 pandemic. The lockdown has been necessitated by the nature of its spread from person to person at a very close...
A policy brief by the Africa Centre for Entrepreneurship and Youth Empowerment (ACEYE) Ghana’s startup entrepreneurship ecosystem is dotted with a few dozen organisations looking to use technology as a lever to augment traditional financial services, contribute to building a better national financial system, and expand financial inclusion among other...
< Now is the time to show solidarity, act responsibly and adhere to our shared goal of enhancing food-security, food safety and nutrition, and improving the general welfare of populations in Africa > These are unprecedented times. This pandemic of such magnitude and global scale has affected each member of this generation, with countries around the world hoisting...
Cocoa remains Ghana`s most important export crop representing nearly 40 percent of total exports. Due to its significant foreign exchange earnings, the Government of Ghana has set up the Ghana Cocoa Board under the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning to regulate the sector with the hope of ensuring...
Virtual meetings have existed for many years; a challenging but successful channel used by many businesses to work with diverse cultures around the world. In the face of the current COVID-19 pandemic, virtual meetings have become one of the pillars that is giving continuity to many businesses. All around...
As the COVID-19 virus spreads globally, economic paralysis and unemployment follow in its wake. But the economic fallout of the pandemic in most emerging and developing economies is likely to be far worse than anything we have seen in China, Europe, or the United States. This is no time...
Ambassadorial deals, tours and entertainment shows are either suspended or cancelled after the outbreak of the dreaded coronavirus, otherwise known as COVID-19 pandemic, which has brought the world on its knees. The coronavirus pandemic has turned the world's arts calendar upside down, as artistes and organisers around the world are...
The Three Kings Prior to December 31, 2019, the running theme in preparation for the coming year seemed to be one of fatalism. All over social media, people yapped about how they were not going to make New Year’s resolutions for 2020. Their reasoning had been that these resolutions never...