Fast growth in e-commerce sales to consumers and cross-border purchases More than 1.4 billion people shopped online in 2018 US, China and UK dominate e-commerce sales to consumers E-commerce sales hit $25.6 trillion globally in 2018, up 8% from 2017, according to the latest available estimates released today by...
African countries have fewer coronavirus cases than much of the world, but weaker healthcare systems do put the continent at risk. Lockdown measures can help prevent the virus spreading, yet governments have taken very different approaches to imposing restrictions on their populations. Are any countries lifting restrictions? Some, like Ghana, are now...
It didn’t have to end this way, but the die is now cast. After 48 years of painstaking progress, a major rupture of the US-China relationship is at hand. This is a tragic outcome for both sides – and for the world. From an unnecessary trade war to an...
Renewable energy sources, especially solar, are ideal for meeting Africa’s electrical power needs   About half of sub-Saharan Africa’s population today does not have access to electricity. Those who do have electricity pay on average nearly twice as much as consumers elsewhere in the world. Power shortages cost the continent...
The oil majors are facing a financial vice like they never have before. With oil prices hovering around $20 per barrel and no end in sight for the global pandemic, the financial pain has only just begun. Norway’s Equinor became the first large oil company to cut its dividend, slashing it...
International Brent Crude plummeted momentarily on Tuesday, April 1, the lowest since 21 years ago but recovers a day after to hover around US$20 a barrel. As the novel Coronavirus lockdown grind down many facets of our lives i.e. a grounded airline industry, a drowning hospitality sector, a quandary...
There is one certainty in this uncertain time; no country will come out unscathed by the coronavirus pandemic. The virus has placed a mandatory injunction on human activities, virtually slumping a brake on the world economy. The two devastating prongs of covid-19 —first a toll on countries health systems,...
In a recent interview, I was asked to share my thoughts on the global pandemic that is transforming our lives and shaping a new future for so many people. Most of my responses concerned Ghana and the strong, decisive and admirable way the country has responded to the crisis. My...
The movie ‘Contagion’ should have given us a clue as to what was to come. Unfortunately, it was just another Hollywood movie for us—at least, a vast majority of us. And then, just before the presents and decorations of the New Year festivities had been stowed away, we were...
An essential determinant for any business success in today’s digital age is to have an e-business component: call up an e-Business consultant today to help set it up. I don’t think there is any doubt in our minds as to whether electronic enablement is needed for our businesses today....