“There is no difference between mother and baby snakes, they are equally poisonous.” – Kenyan proverb Just because the world feels flat and solid beneath our feet does not mean it is so. Sadly, this was the belief the majority of our humanity, held for over a millennia before the...
Every year on 5 May the world celebrates World Hand Hygiene Day. This year, as we battle the COVID-19 pandemic, the life-saving importance of clean hands has never been more prominent. WHO Regional Director for Africa, Dr. Matshidiso Moeti, says we can protect ourselves and our families by frequently washing...
US President Donald Trump’s administration is effectively waging war on human health. In addition to imposing tariffs on imported medical equipment and restrictions on exports, the White House has proposed cutting the budget of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention by 16%, starting in October. Moreover, Trump...
Without knocking, a novel virus entered the lives of Ghanaians – and others the world over – at the beginning of the year, just as farmers were getting ready to celebrate the end of harmattan and begin their crop production plans.  Unlike other countries, the Ghana Government was proactive...
COVID-19 has swept the world of its feet and has introduced a new world order and different ways of doing things. Nobody knows when the world will be entirely out of the woods. The uncertainty has left many businesses and their employees at a fix. More than ever, many...
The Tarkwa operations of Gold Fields Ghana (GFG) has confirmed two positive COVID-19 cases, but assured that the patients, a worker and his wife, are in stable conditions. A press release from the mining giant said: “the company received the test results from the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research...
Since COVID-19 broke out in December 2019, it has continued to spread across the globe unabated, with countries at different phases along the curve Public health emergencies worldwide, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and its devastation impacts, affect women and men differently, but take a disproportionate toll on women. Even more...
 For those who viewed negative interest rates as a bridge too far for central banks, it might be time to think again. Right now, in the United States, the Federal Reserve – supported both implicitly and explicitly by the Treasury – is on track to backstop virtually every private,...
The National Labour Commission has entreated private organizations not to lay off workers, even though companies are finding it difficult to make ends meet due to the outbreak of COVID-19 and its accompanying attendant restrictions. Though unconfirmed, news making the rounds has it that the Advertising Association of Ghana has...
Along with many other countries, the government of Ghana announced a lockdown of the economic hubs of the country as part of its measures to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. In expressing the government’s commitment to containing the pandemic, the President declared, “we know how to bring the economy back...