On January 28, Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso announced their withdrawal from the 15-member Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) - from which all three had been suspended following the military coups that overthrew their democratically elected governments. This represents the greatest crisis the bloc has faced since...
I would not pass by my hood in La - Accra without bleeding. It has always been the same spirit, energy, and continuous hustling throughout the streets. Nothing seems to have changed. Looking back, while we - as secondary school students - were preparing for our final exams, what hassled...
It is a common phenomenon in many Sub Saharan countries to have places where food and water are sold to the general public in the open. They are commonly found in and around offices, market places, public schools, churches, football stadia, lorry parks, construction sites amongst others. These items are...
By Umar FAROUK In the modern era of digital technology, the corporate board plays a crucial role in formulating policies that align with the organization's objectives and driving forward-thinking ideas to achieve long-term business viability or sustainability. As a supervisory body, the board ensures accountability, transparency, fairness, and responsible management...
According to the Alternative Dispute Resolution Act, 2010 (Act 798) (‘the ADR Act’), Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is a collective description of methods for resolving disputes other than the normal traditional court system. ADR has proven to be an effective means of resolving tax disputes. In other jurisdictions such...
Picture this; you have just won The Spelling Bee, a national programme that showcases the best spellers Ghana has; what a delight!!! You are over the moon and can’t believe it; you won!  All your hard work has paid off and you will be going to the USA to...
The question of whether unrealised foreign exchange gains arising from financial instruments are taxable under Ghana’s tax laws has engendered debate among consultants, practitioners, officers of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), and the general public for some time now. This has become topical following the promulgation of the Income...
Happy National Farmers' Day to our hardworking farmers and fishermen across the 16 regions of Ghana. We are proud of you for all the hard work you do to make our nation great and strong. Your work is most critical to our very survival, yet not always paying the highest...
Dr Awal promises 8yrs tax holidays for startups Major brands, individuals honoured at Business Awards A bill geared at promoting more favorable economic conditions for nascent businesses in the country should be ready to be tabled for Parliamentary consideration by January 2021, Minster for Business Development, Alhaji Dr....
Africa has lost one of its illustrious sons, an anti-apartheid activist turned statesman who served as the President of the Southern African nation and one of Africa’s most stable democracies, the Republic of Namibia, prior to his demise. His Excellency Dr. Hage Gottfried Geingob died on Sunday, February 4,...