The COVID-19 crisis is now widely seen as the greatest economic calamity since the Great Depression. In January, the IMF expected global income to grow 3 percent; it is now forecast to fall 3 percent, much worse than during the Great Recession of 2008-09. Behind this dire statistic is...
This personal opinion is being put across because it looks to me as if the general public and some government officials are not aware of the very important contributions being made by pharmacists towards the fight against this COVID -19 pandemic. Pharmacists are well known as experts on drugs....
The COVID-19 pandemic which has hit many parts of the world, and our beloved country, has left many people devastated. Businesses are collapsing, workers are being laid off, people are being quarantined and the death toll keeps rising. We are all experiencing a kind of trauma – whether for...
Before December 2019, certain expressions such as COVID – 19, Social distancing, lockdown, contact tracing, personal protective equipment (PPE) self – isolation among others were not too familiar with many of us. These terms gained popularity after the emergence and spread of the novel Coronavirus. The COVID - 19   started...
Having already been buffeted by two big shocks in the last ten years, the global economy’s highly interconnected wiring is suffering a third because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Globalization thus faces a three-strikes-and-out situation that could well result in a gradual but rather prolonged delinking of trade and investment,...
Financial freedom is something we all yearn for, but we are not willing to do what it takes to get there. Our unwillingness is based on our refusal or lack of commitment to do things that would promote our financial independence. Most people spend more than they earn, and...
... Attaining efficiency and costs in targeted poverty alleviation programmes Poverty targeting interventions in social development initiatives increased in popularity in the 1990s, due to the combination of evidence of high leakage in universal schemes together with political pressure to limit tax collection and reduce state expenditures that undermined governments'...
The IMF, World Bank and IFC will always be diplomatic especially when it comes to country local politics. They never want to take sides. So you will likely never get a straight YES or NO answer to straight questions that have bearing on local politics. You can only infer...
GREGOR PETER SCHMITZ: You have seen many crises. Is the COVID-19 pandemic comparable to any previous one?  GEORGE SOROS: No. This is the crisis of my lifetime. Even before the pandemic hit, I realized that we were in a revolutionary moment where what would be impossible or even inconceivable in...
 Africa accounts for 53% of global cashew production, but less than 10% of global processing. Through local processing there is a value addition potential of US$2.8 billion every year and potential employment of 275,000 people in the processing plants. USIBRAS Ghana Limited, subsidiary of a leading cashew nut processing firm...