Many people have so many things they want to achieve but sadly, due to lack of planning rather than lack of ability they never actually get to achieve their dreams. If you are one of those persons then ask yourself, what is stopping you? If things were to stay the...
‘END SARS NOW!” they chant in Nigeria. SHUT IT ALL DOWN! They chant in Namibia’s capital, Windhoek. NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE! they continue to chant on streets across America. People power has come alive on streets in these two African nations over this past week. Their voices are raised...
Big or small, a private company must have a shareholder(s) and at least two directors who are obligated to perform some duties in compliance with the law. They are expected to work in harmony toward the sustained long-term interest and growth of a company. Consequently, performance of their duties may...
Ghana Link Network Services Ltd in collaboration with Customs – Division of the Ghana Revenue Authority GRA have begun another round of refresher training for users of the Integrated Customs Management System (ICUMS). The training which is currently ongoing in the Northern part of Ghana is expected to cover Northern,...
General prices of goods and services for October 2020 have recorded their lowest rate since April, when panic-buying in preparation for the lockdown propelled traders to hike the prices of products - resulting in a significant jump in inflation. Data released by the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) on Wednesday have...
 I am a strong believer of what you believe can be your reality. In other words, if you believe that you can, then you can, and equally if you believe that you can’t, then you can’t. I was always told that there is nothing you cannot do if you set...
In October 2022, we set up a policy research think-tank and advisory firm that focuses on how Africa and China can work together. The Africa-China Centre for Policy and Advisory is a Sino-African research and policy think-tank and advisory firm dedicated to providing unbiased policy and market research as well...
Ghana is among 198 nations and the European Union Block, who have feverishly prepared to start another round of climate related negotiations at the 28th Conference of Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), from Thursday, November 30th to Tuesday, December 12th, in Dubai,...
…aim at measures that will ensure that you transform repeat customers into loyal clients The rationale of a well-thought-out customer experience strategy is to deliver an out-of-world experience that will make the customer want to come back for more and even beyond that be an advocate for your brand. Ensuring...
Millet United States Department of Agriculture states that millet is a cereal grain that belongs to the Poaceae family, commonly known as the grass family. In its origin, Nithiyanantham et al. (2019) found that millet is highly eaten in developing countries throughout Africa and Asia.  Though it resembles a seed, millet’s nutritional...