“The one who calls people into the pulpit is the same one who calls people outside the pulpit.” “When are you going into ministry?” This is a question I often get asked by people in my circles who believe in my Christian witness. My answer often is this: “I am...
Large prostate does NOT always cause urinary problems. I think one of the areas urological medicine is behind is assuming that a 60-year-old plus man with urinary problems has a big prostate. A big prostate is not always a problem. I often see 100 to 150-gram prostates (normal is...
The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives massively. As we adjust to the realities of the new normal, we may feel burdened by the weight of these unprecedented times and that’s okay. Few months ago, we wouldn’t have imagined that we would be wearing masks, having more...
Author, business consultant, corporate trainer and Business and Financial Times columnist Terry Mante is set to release his latest books in a virtual launch to be held on Saturday August 15, 2020. The event will be streamed on all his channels @terrymante on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. The two books are entitled Empowerment and Leader Sense. In...
A simple mathematical mistake may explain why many people underestimate the dangers of coronavirus, shunning social distancing, masks and hand-washing. Imagine you are offered a deal with your bank, where your money doubles every three days. If you invest just $1 today, roughly how long will it take for you...
Once COVID-19 abates, we will be reminded of how everything changed, of the world that was. But the unfolding crisis contains profound lessons for the future. When international delegates met at Bretton Woods in July 1944 to devise a postwar world, the war was still far from over. Yet,...
The entrepreneurial spirit is ripe in Africa, especially with a high percentage of the population engaged in self-employment. This goes to show that the continent is open to innovation and independence. It may seem like the corporate sector has no involvement or role to play in encouraging entrepreneurship, but...
Shortly after US President Donald Trump issued an executive order effectively banning the Chinese-owned social-media app TikTok, he issued a second order prohibiting “any transaction that is related to WeChat by any person … as identified by the Secretary of Commerce.” According to the White House, the WeChat ban...
With the world’s gaze increasingly trained on the upcoming US elections, emerging economies are also grappling with the question of how to facilitate voting in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. According to the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, an intergovernmental organisation, at least 69 countries and territories had postponed...
The COVID-19 pandemic could be a game changer for digital financial services. Low-income households and small firms can benefit greatly from advances in mobile money, fintech services, and online banking. Financial inclusion as a result of digital financial services can also boost economic growth. While the pandemic is set...