Plausible Solutions to Ghana’s Tax Problems The following paragraphs discuss key measures that can be adapted to address the aforementioned challenges. In developing countries, national treasuries must act in concert with tax authorities to rationalize the tax exemptions regime. This can be accomplished by defining the scope of tax exemptions...
The launch of Generative AI, exemplified by Chat GPT’s debut in November 2022, marked a watershed moment in reshaping the future of work. The profound impact of this technology became evident when a McKinsey survey revealed that, in less than a year, approximately 82% of respondents in the financial...
- chief, residents commend government over activity The Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources has evacuated an over 100 year-old dumpsite in Duayaw Nkwanta, Tano-North Municipality of Ahofo Region, as nationwide emergency dumpsites evacuation continues unabrupted. A 78 year-old resident of the community, Cynthia Forkuoh, was overwhelmed with joy that the...
systems thinking for problem-solving Prequel to the Sequel In our most recent session, I began to delve into this powerful thinking typology, laying out the fundamentals and building on that to outline the first three of five systems thinking principles (Fig 1). In today's post, I'll go over the...
Mergers and acquisitions worth US$52B were completed in South Africa during the first half of 2021, with the value of deals growing by 958% from 2020 with the tech sector in the lead according to Refinitiv Data that provides financial markets and infrastructure data. According to Digest Africa, the value...
Some time ago, the only avenues available for persons looking for funding were for them to use up all their savings, take a loan from a financial institution or a loan or handout from friends or family.Although many believe crowdfunding came about in the late 2000s, some versions of...
… budget set for 100% rise in 2021 President and CEO of Golden Star Resources (GSR) Limited, Andrew Wray, has reaffirmed his company’s commitment to exploration of the Wassa underground mine, describing it as a “fantastic body of resources” with an enormous capacity for growth. According to him, not only is...
It is emergent that emotional intelligence (EI) has become an increasingly important factor in leadership effectiveness. EI refers to the ability to understand, manage, and express one's emotions and the ability to perceive, interpret, and respond to the emotions and feelings of others. EI competencies include self-awareness, self-regulation, people...
It is factual that most people spend time on the internet almost every minute connected via their own devices or public devices, either uploading data or downloading data. Those days where you had to travel for a long distance and sit in cues to get access to the internet...
In the 14th century, some Portuguese seafaring entrepreneurs had a problem. They had discovered a lucrative business, supplying skilled workers to sugar plantations in Portugal and there was a demand for these workers. The Portuguese entrepreneurs would dock their boats along the coast of West Africa, hide in the weeds...