‘People enter into transactions with a pious hope of fulfilment, but unexpected developments dash their hopes’- These words resonate in my mind every time I have to counsel a client, friend or partner on a transaction. Over time I have noticed the often-overlooked importance of remedies in mitigating the risks...
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected many businesses, including small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the cocoa sector that provide critical services to smallholder farmers in Ghana. These small businesses, when provided with the needed support, play a vital role in improving the livelihoods of farmers through yield enhancements and...
The Ghana Project. President Nana Akufo-Addo declared on Twitter that anybody who is as committed as he is to this, could not have an ‘Ethnic Agenda’. He has failings, he admits in the same Tweet, but being a tribalist is not one of them. Laudable. Election year is ripe for particular...
Unlike the Kyoto Protocol that established legally binding emissions reduction targets, the Paris Agreement requires all countries — rich, poor, developed, and developing — to do their part and slash greenhouse gas emissions. To that end, greater flexibility is built into the Paris Agreement: No language is included on the...
Chief Inspector in Charge of Factories at the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations, Fred Ohene Mensah, is calling on industry to push and make noise about the National Occupational Safety and Health Bill that is presently before Cabinet. The National Occupational Safety and Health bill is still languishing at...
As Ghana prepares to undertake its eighth Presidential and Parliamentary elections on December 7 in this Fourth Republic, monetisation of politics has begun to rear its ugly head. Executive Director of the Centre for Democratic Development-Ghana (CDD-Ghana), Professor H. Kwasi Prempeh observes that: “Money in politics has an even greater...
The opportunities are there – with a young, growing population and rapid urbanisation across the continent. But how can this potential be unlocked? What obstacles does the continent face in growing vehicle demand and becoming a true industry competitor? And how can regions unite to write the legislation that...
The COVID-19 pandemic has accentuated existing food security issues in Africa and given rise to some new challenges. With an economic downturn under way, efforts to combat hunger are being accelerated. While short-term measures are part of the solution, the crisis has also made a powerful case for long-term...
Mining of the precious metal called gold is a lucrative business with operations spread across the various continents with the exception of Antarctica (Metals Focus & World Gold Council, 2020). In 2019, forty-three (43) countries produced 3,272.7 metric tonnes of gold. Stability in the price of gold per ounce has...
…Will Africa finally receive its fair share of rewards from globalisation?  I would like to strongly caution that the usual practice of assembling the same old groups of local politicians, semi-politicians, opportunistic local industry leaders and their well-connected friends and appendages who have failed our countries and Africa in general...