Since our president is currently chairing the regional body ECOWAS, it is appropriate to revisit the lingering tension between Ghanaian traders and their Nigerian counterparts. In today’s edition of the B&FT, a concise feature that dissects the problem and offers irrefutable answers to the nagging problem is published. We entreat...
…but the future looks bright In America today, Savings and Loans (S&L) Institutions have been the backbone of the massive growth and economic development we have witnessed in the United States Economy over the last century. Indeed, at the beginning of the 19th century, banking was still something only done...
Perhaps first among the many lessons of 2020 is that the notion of so‑called ‘black swan’ events is not some remote worry. These purportedly once‑in‑a‑generation events are occurring with increasing frequency. Take climate‑related shocks, especially in sub‑Saharan Africa. More than any other region, it is vulnerable to these events because...
Ghana being host of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Secretariat is something great for the nation, but being able to fulfil the goals of this initiative will be determined by strategic focus on infrastructure and industrialization, Mohammed Samara, Chief Executive Officer of Meridian Port Services (MPS) has...
The call for establishment of a Construction Industry Development Authority (CIDA) is not without cause. In the 21st century, infrastructure is the lifeblood of prosperity and economic confidence. Successful delivery of well-planned infrastructure investments offers developing economies like Ghana opportunity to compete in the global marketplace. Construction is the mechanism...
– together everybody achieves more It is common knowledge that doing anything effectively requires the collective effort of a group of people working towards the achievement of a common purpose. Thus the concept of a team in any undertaking bear’s great significance in the quest to achieve well thought out predetermined...
Barbara Tommey. Gone. Shot in the head multiple times. Just 27-years-old. Killed by Sylvester Ofori, her pastor husbandwho took to the pulpit, pews filled with a flock listening to his particular brand of manipulation wrapped around a murderous body. It is hard to hold your disgust and devastation at the...
Hospitality sector shattered The country’s economy in the second quarter of 2020 faced the full rigours of the coronavirus pandemic, as growth for the first time in about four decades contracted – largely occasioned by the hospitality sector’s abysmal performance. Data from the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) show that despite...
… to appreciate clients and stakeholders The Business and Financial Times (B&FT), Africa’s leading provider of business information, has launched a campaign dubbed ‘Discount-for Discount’ (D4D) to express the media giant’s appreciation to its growing clients and other stakeholders. Evans Mallet, Business Development Manager (BDM) at the B&FT, explained that the...
Data from the Ghana Shippers' Authority (GSA) have shown that demurrage payments to shipping lines in 2019 amounted to $27million; this figure was less than the $39million recorded in 2018. According to the Authority, some of the causes of demurrage – fees importers pay for overstayed containers – include bureaucratic...