Data from the National Insurance Commission (NIC) have showed that out of the total value of cargo imported into the country – estimated at GH¢90billion last year – only 6 percent took insurance from Ghanaian insurance companies, indicating that the majority of importers rather took insurance from overseas companies,...
The new normal of driving almost every activity online - including business, education, meetings, conferences and other events - has catalysed growth in the information and communication sector, making it the fastest-growing sector in this pandemic era. Data from the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) have shown that the information and...
Cashew processors in the country have advocated vigorous effort to promote the consumption of cashew products locally to boost demand. This, they believe, will create a viable and competitive cashew value chain industry to unearth its huge untapped potentials. According to the cashew processors, despite the high nutrition and economic value...
The recent 4% reduction in Communication Service Tax (CST) may well be the middle-ground for all stakeholders. My personal view has always been that we need to strike a fair balance between generating extra revenue for the government and encouraging telecom-facilitated economic growth. ‘President Kagame says mobile phones are no...
“The bane of entrepreneurship in Africa is access to capital.” This statement stayed with me long after my conversation with a dear friend who is an established entrepreneur. This view is held by almost every businessperson I have spoken to and is further affirmed by several researches and reports...
…Avoiding the blame game "If you blame others for your failures, do you credit them with your success?" - Author Unknown  Dear Readers, last week, I examined the blame game in risk management and it came out clearly that risk should be owned by all staff, and not just the “Responsible...
The Ghana Climate Innovation Centre (GCIC), a pioneering green business incubator, last week held an economy and ecology strategic dialogue themed: ‘The Green Recovery’ as a response to the COVID-induced economic downturn currently assailing the Ghanaian economy. Agata E. Pawolowska, the World Bank Operations Manager, Ghana, Liberia and Sierra Leone...
Since the first recorded case of COVID-19 in China in November 2019 and its consequent spread across the world in the first quarter of 2020, the pandemic has visited severe hardship on key industries. In Ghana, the local economy and key industries that support it suffered greatly. Particularly, the agriculture...
The KEK Insurance Brokers performed better than a number of brokers in the financial year 2019. According to the regulator’s report, KEK’s brokerage income increased from GH¢23.21million in 2018 to GH¢25.64million in 2019, representing a 0.24% increase. The trend for top-ten companies in Ghana’s insurance broking market changed as at year-end...
Mr. Kwaku Ennin, Chief Executive Officer of Zeal Environmental Technologies Limited, has appealed to the Indian High Commissioner to Ghana for assistance in considering engineering students who want to further their education in India. “This will enable them to be exposed to different and new ways of doing things in...