When we look at our everyday lives - from childhood to adulthood - we all seem to have asked one question in situations where...
Before 2017 ends, don't let the negative appraisal or negative opinion of your supervisor or superior or manager or boss or employer of your...
At a breakfast table in the noisy restaurant of a hotel in Shenzhen, I met Kwame Song Dongshong, now President of the Powerchina International...
Due to her first-hand experience as an entrepreneur in sub-Saharan Africa, Victoria Quaye was invited as a speaker to the Transcultural Leadership Summit 2017...
– the anchor for civil engineering design, construction and project implementation
This article, first in the series, intends to introduce readers to a very important...
The inspiration for the present article came from a long public chit-chat discussion on LinkedIn; but it seems that the question as to whether...
There is nothing wrong with staying small. You can do big things with a small team. – Jason Fried
Dear Readers, I wish to crave...
It has been so nice to see people happy with their Black Friday- shopping carrying their purchases with a smile.
But, is a happy &...
Affirmative Action. Women’s Empowerment. These are two cornerstones of nation building in 21st Century Ghana. Indeed, globally. And yet, we are a nation that...
Let's start with a short story. Success is a very, very lonely road. Very few people are willing to endure the pain and sacrifices...