For Africa, the COVID-19 pandemic is turning into a wake up call to find better ways to industrialise, chief amongst them being access to reliable, cheap and clean energy As global markets think of the post-COVID-19 world and how the pandemic will reshape business models worldwide, African countries are coming...
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has become one of the biggest threats to the global economy and financial markets. The effect has already been felt in a wide range of energy markets, including coal and gas – but its impact on oil markets is exceptionally grave due to the constraint...
When India’s government announced, with four hours’ notice, a nationwide three-week lockdown to stem the spread of the coronavirus, millions of the country’s poorest citizens faced the risk of hunger and destitution. Many migrant laborers, suddenly jobless, walked hundreds of miles from cities to their native villages. There, too,...
It is a conventional practice in our country to see people ‘deprive’ waste of where they should belong – the bin. As a result, our streets and drains are constantly at war with plastics and other waste materials that fight for space at places where they do not belong....
Gender is an uncomfortable conversation to have in this dispensation. I am not a gender expert and so I'm however trying to unlearn many lessons that have internalised as I grow. Shaykh Azhar Nasser’s once tweeted:“Teach your daughter economic independence so in the future, she can have a partner, not...
In emerging markets, limited ICT infrastructure can compound the challenges of remote working amid coronavirus-related social distancing and lockdown measures. Nevertheless, broadly successful outcomes may lead businesses to consider expanding or formalizing work from home arrangements once the effects of the pandemic have subsided. There are a number of potential advantages associated...
Ghana, a peaceful west African nation, is known for its welcoming people. It was the dream of the First president of the then Gold Goast to make Ghana, the Gateway to Africa. To achieve this there needs to be pragmatic and bold policies that harness natural, human and technology...
 …how is cost-effectiveness achieved? It is been recognized that the major problems concerning targeting for social intervention programs include the often ignored factor of under-coverage, the problem of leakage to the rich, and the high risk that targeted programs could end up being regressive. However, if the programs that have...
I’m worried, I’m deeply worried not because I don’t see the “COVID-19” as “this too shall pass”. Am worried because of the little tiny decisions that are going to be taken by influential individuals at top most positions in various corporations/entities/companies/organizations/firms/enterprises etc. According to the most recent United Nations estimates...
… Financial market reflection Financial markets are very fundamental to the economic development of every nation. Through the financial intermediation process, scarce financial resources are efficiently allocated to productive sectors of the economy. Surplus funds are channelled from surplus-spending units to deficit-spending units. For the financial market to be efficient in...