The COVID-19 pandemic could be a game changer for digital financial services. Low income households and small firms can benefit greatly from advances in...
Although it seems like ancient history, it hasn’t been that long since economies around the world began to close down in response to the...
Globally, COVID-19 has put several supply chains, businesses, schools, and public services on the brink of collapse. Beyond the disruptions caused by COVID-19, local...
As COVID-19 slows in developed countries, the virus’s spread is speeding up in the developing world. Three-quarters of new cases detected each day are...
… calls for sustainable fisheries management decision-making
Illegal fishing is considered globally as a fundamental driver of overfishing threatening marine ecosystems. Illegal, unreported, and unregulated...
Risto Paldanius’s thoughts ….Energy storage technology will make blackouts in Africa ancient history
A shift from Africa’s traditional approach to power generation is needed to unleash the continent’s clean energy potential and secure an African future free...
Business resilience remains one of the most important and relevant ways for organisations to bypass legacy challenges and explore new opportunities
The recent months have...
When I set out as a student of communication, one of the many acronyms I quickly learnt was K.I.S.S. For the purpose of this...
It is very rare in our part of the world for individuals and companies that are doing well to keep silent over their achievements....
Economic activity this year will be significantly lower than projected in the April 2020 Regional Economic Outlook for sub-Saharan Africa. Real GDP is now...