If the COVID-19 pandemic has not taught us anything, we can boldly say that it has taught us one thing, which is the fact that it is very dynamic and presents us with a very fluid situation that is changing all the time. As such, any prescription given here...
Faced with an unprecedented shock of collapsing global demand and commodity prices, capital outflows, major supply chain disruptions and a generalized drop in global trade, many emerging markets and developing economies’ (EMDEs) currencies have weakened sharply. Will these currency movements support the recovery of these economies? Building on a new...
Not a day seems to pass without further evidence of the mounting economic tensions between China and the United States, the world’s two largest economies. This growing antagonism will have a bigger immediate impact on China than on the US, as bilateral decoupling fuels a broader ongoing process of...
What do the Calabrian organized crime syndicate ‘Ndrangheta, Hertz, China’s Sichuan Trust, and the US Federal Reserve have in common? They are all deeply entangled in a financial system that has turned credit intermediation into a debt mint that produces assets to enrich investors but leaves households, firms, and...
The 1992 Constitution provides three unambiguous answers to the question of Citizenship by birth. The 1st is found in Article 6(1), which provides: “(1) Every person who, on the coming into force of this Constitution, is a citizen of Ghana by law shall continue to be a citizen of Ghana.”  This provision...
 The outbreak of COVID-19 globally will remain one of the major events that shaped the 21st century and thus it is the hope and desire of everyone to see humanity triumph once again over a common adversary. Many countries around the globe are resorting to diverse ways to combat...
Once COVID-19 abates, we will be reminded of how everything changed, of the world that was. But the unfolding crisis contains profound lessons for the future. When international delegates met at Bretton Woods in July 1944 to devise a postwar world, the war was still far from over. Yet,...
Before you read this material any further, I recommend you go to Google now and type in your name. Yes, do that now before we proceed. When you input your personal name or business name on any search engine like Google, what do you find? Is that the kind...
Banking in Ghana has been traditionally brick and mortar for some years until competition and customer sophistication drove banks to roll out innovations such as online banking services and other platforms for clients to transact business with ease. Most banks have evolved from the regular internet/online banking to collaborating...
“They say that the broom is not important, but in the morning they look for it.” – Igbo proverb “Nonsense is so good only because common sense is so limited,” George Santayana highlighted in his 1905 work ‘The Life of Reason: Reason in Common Sense’. He sought to outline how...