The Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) in partner with the Ghana Education Service (GES), have developed supplementary readers for schools to sensitise and educate the next generation on relevance of social security with intention to expand pensions coverage. The SSNIT is optimistic that the initiative, which seeks to...
The University of Cape Coast School of Business has organised a virtual seminar to educate students on tax reliefs and financial reporting implications. The e-seminar, themed ‘Coronavirus Pandemic, Tax Reliefs and Financial Reporting Implications’, had Dr. Abdalah Ali-Nakyea of Ali-Nakyea & Associates; Dr. Isaac Nyame of Ikerm and Associates’ and...
The Ghana Communication Technology University (GCTU) has been ranked as the 9th best university in Ghana out of 89 Universities ranked in Ghana based on Excellence Rankings by The Ranking Web of Universities Webometrics ( Even though only 89 universities made the shortlist, there are several hundred institutions in Ghana...
The US dollar has now entered the early stages of what looks to be a sharp descent. The dollar’s real effective exchange rate (REER) fell 4.3% in the four months ending in August. The decline has been even steeper as measured by other indexes, but the REER is what...