Banks and Specialized Deposit Taking institutions (SDTIs) exist to provide financial solutions to their customers. In doing so, they largely take deposits and grant...
One of the daunting task for every individual in the world is starting a business even for people who went to business school or...
COVID-19 is indeed a revealer. It has revealed that the economy of Ghana has inadequate liquidity buffers.
The Minister of Finance reported to parliament as...
The Country Director of the World Bank, Pierre Frank Laporte, has said the global finance firm will undertake an assessment of the COVID-19 situation...
The Ghana Commodity Exchange (GCX) and Venture Capital Trust Fund (VCTF) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to work together as part of GCX’s...
In keeping with regulations for listed companies on the Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE) amid restrictions on public gatherings due to COVID-19, Access Bank Ghana...
The public will have to accept electronic payment channels as their default form of payment to stay safe, as scientists predict that the coronavirus...
Is deficit financing back?
BOG 2020 budget deficit support at 53%?
It seems the Bank of Ghana (BOG) May 2020 Monetary Policy Committee (MPC)...
Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta has said government will fast-track the process for establishing a National Development Bank (NBD) to help in the economy’s quick...
Atwima Kwanwoma Rural Bank Limited at Pakyi No2 in the Ashanti Region has designed some credit relief packages for clients to cushion them in...