Fisheries Advisor for the Sustainable Fisheries Management Project (SFMP), Kofi Agbogah, has called for the Fisheries Act to be amended to help support the Co-management Policy that has been identified globally as an international best practice in fisheries management. “Fisheries Co-management is a strategy for managing Common Pool Resources, whereby...
Although 80 percent of the farming activities undertaken in the country are by smallholder farmers, government interventions in the agriculture sector do not target them, a research on Smallholder Farmer and Food Systems in Ghana has revealed. The research, conducted in four regions of the country - namely the Northern,...
Smallholder farmers in the country provide more than 80% of food produce for domestic consumption, industry and export, and provide jobs for 40% of Ghanaians - yet they face numerous challenges ranging from low and unreliable rainfall patterns, high cost of inputs, high post-harvest losses, limited access to extension...
Our regional correspondents from the Ashanti and Brong Ahafo Regions toured some cocoa-growing areas in their respective regions…and have a sad tale to tell. Ordinarily, they were told, an acre of cocoa should yield an average farmer between 13-15 bags of cocoa beans (64kg), but now farmers are recording...
Many opportunities exist in the agriculture value chain for university graduates to be gainfully employed, as the country seeks to restore the sector to its former glory under the Planting for Food and Jobs Programme, Minister for Food and Agriculture Dr. Owusu Afriyie Akoto has said. In its review of...
All is set for the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) to update data on the agriculture sector through a new census which comes after some 33 years when the last one was conducted. The GSS will be working together with the Agric Ministry, with support from the Food and Agricultural Organisation...
Agriculture has been a source of tremendous blessing to mankind and indeed Ghana. Since time immemorial, agriculture has proven to be the lifeblood of the world, as it has not only been a source of food but a seedbed for other crucial industries. Today, advancement in knowledge means that agriculture...
In academic circles, the subject of socialization is generally defined as a process where an individual internalizes the norms and ideologies of society. This definition is a significant truism that anchors on the totality of our culture; which has agriculture as a fundamental feature. Before modernity pulled our population from...
The annual Aggrey-Fraser-Guisberg Memorial Lectures, which was instituted in 1957 to commemorate three distinguished personalities in the nation’s history, is a major event in the life of the University of Ghana and indeed the nation as a whole. The theme for this year’s lecture was ‘Nkrumah and the Making of...
The 2nd Poultry Value Chain Fair (POVAC), under the theme ‘Employment Creation along the Poultry Value Chain: Public Private Partnership Approach’, is scheduled to take place on Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd March 2018 at the Eusbett Hotel, Sunyani. This year’s Fair, under the auspices of the Ministry of Food...