CAMFED launches National Governance Structure for PTAs


By Samuel SAM

CAMFED-Ghana has inaugurated a National Governance Structure for its Parent Association (PA) and Parent Support Group (PSG) initiative, aimed at enhancing community involvement in girls’ education – particularly for those facing significant barriers to completing their schooling.

The governance initiative seeks to boost CAMFED’s programmes’ effectiveness by integrating parents and communities into promoting girls’ education across Ghana. The new structure is aligned with CAMFED’s strategic plan for 2024-2029, which focuses on transforming educational opportunities for young people and strengthening school-home ties. It is designed to empower parents and community members’ active engagement in their children’s education.

The initiative also involves collaboration with schools and local stakeholders to create a supportive environment that prioritises the well-being of every child – especially those in rural areas, fostering a holistic, community-driven educational experience.

To ensure the initiative’s efficient implementation, a committee was inaugurated in Tamale with three executives elected to lead the programme: Madam Memunatu Gaddo as Chairperson; Madam Prespera Esana as Secretary; and Mr. Yakubu Idu Issahaq as Organiser.

Speaking at the event, Clara Tigenoah, Head-Programme at CAMFED Ghana, said the initiative aims to empower rural area parents in supporting young girls accessing quality education for a better future. “It is also to strengthen partnerships among parents, schools, and the broader community to ensure the best possible educational outcomes for children, especially girls,” she added.

Tigenoah noted that empowering communities contributes to the success of every child, particularly those facing significant challenges in continuing their education. She highlighted that the elected leaders are tasked with advocating for parents and strengthening support systems within CAMFED’s framework. “Our ambitious plan is to meet the global Sustainable Development Goals by supporting millions more girls in rural Africa to access and complete secondary school, graduate into secure livelihoods and provide mentorship for the next generation,” she said.

Programmes Officer-CAMFED Ghana, Mr. Martin Rex Kuunyem, expressed the organisation’s determination to reach five million girls in the next five years with various forms of educational support aimed at reducing school-based violence. He encouraged parents and community members to support the committees in effectively implementing the programme to secure a better future for girls in rural areas.

Chairperson of the committee, Madam Memunatu Gaddo, expressed gratitude to her colleagues and parents for entrusting her with the role and assured them of her commitment to achieving the programme’s objectives. She called for collective support to advocate children’s education in a more organised and impactful manner.

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